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55.What can we infer from the passage?

    A.Ellison was a great white writer.

    B.“Flying Home” is one of Ellison’s novels.

    C.It took half of Ellison’s life time to write “Juneteenth”.

    D.Ellison didn’t live to see the publication of “ Shadow and Act” and “Going to the



54.According to the passage, “Juneteenth”     .

    A.is written by John Callahan

    B.is Ellison’s second novel

    C.was published in Ellison’s seventies

    D.was published 10 yours after his death


53.Which of the following statements about “Invisible Man” may NOT be right?

    A.It was written when Ellison was a professor New York University.

    B.It was Ellison’s first novel.

    C.It was still in use when the above passage appeared.

    D.It was so successful that it won itself a place in American literature.


59.What can be inferred from the text?

  A.Sacagawea is still highly honored by Americans

  B.Sacagawea’s husband was unfamiliar with the West

  C.Sacagawea stayed on the Pacific coast for half a year

  D.Sacagawea’s husband did little for the expedition

答案  56 .D  57.C  58.D  59.A   

Passage 10


Ralph Ellison’s novel, “Invisible(看不见的) Man”, was published in nineteen fifty-two. Ellison was at once called a major new writer. The book won the National Book Award ,a high and rare honor for a first novel.

    Since then millions of copies have been printed .The book is still used in many universities and other schools. One professor said that he has used the book in his teaching for twenty-five years. He said that each time he returns to “Invisible Man” he finds new ideas in it.

    After “Invisible Man” was published ,Ralph Ellison taught at a number of universities. He retired from Now York University in nineteen eighty .While he was alive ,he published only two other books .They were books of criticism(批判)and essays ,called “Shadow and Act” and “Going to the Territory”.

    Ralph Ellison died in nineteen ninety-four ,at the age of eighty. After his death ,a book of his stories, “Flying Home” ,was published .Shortly before his death ,Ellison had told someone that his second novel was almost finished .He had worked on the novel for forty years without finishing it.

    Parts of the book had appeared in magazines during the nineteen sixties and seventies. Ellison had to rewrite the novel after a large part of it was burned in a fire at his home in nineteen sixty-seven. The novel was said to be two thousand pages long. Finally ,his friend John Callahan put the book together after Ellison died. The novel was published in nineteen ninety-nine. It was called “Juneteenth”.

    Since “Invisible Man” was published ,many American writers have said how much Ellison influenced them.

    In nineteen ninety ,another black writer ,Charies Johnson ,was given the National Book Award. In receiving the prize ,Johnson thanked Ralph Ellison for leading the way for black writers. Ellison was present at the ceremony .He thanked Johnson. Then he expressed his belief that black writers should not be influenced only by other black writers. He said:

    “You do not write out of your skin. You write out of your ideas and the quality of your mind.”


58.During the expedition, what excited Sacagawea most was that she______.

  A.bought horses for Lewis and Clark      B. saved important documents and supplies

  C.was considered as a symbol of peace     D. reunited with her brother Cameahwait


57.What’s one of the purposes of the Corps of Discovery?

  A. To drive the Indians away         B. To explore the Rocky Mountains

  C. To find how to reach the Pacific       D. To look for Sacagawea for help


56.The text is mainly about_______.

  A. the whole life of Sacagawea      B. the difficulties the Corps of Discovery met

  C. American history in exploration    D. Sacagawea’s contribution to the Corps of Discovery


71.What can we learn about Fan Yi from the passage?

A.She’s beliveed to be writing more bird stories.

B.Her Chinese version of Swordbird has been published in China.

C.She is learning how to write English poems from her parents.

D.She’s likely to become a full-time writer.

答案  68.B  69.B  70.B  71.A

Passage 9


Sacagawea, the only woman on the Lewis and Clark expedition into the American West, was the daughter of a Shoshone chief. Around the age of 12, Sacagawea was captured by Hidatsa Indians, an enemy of the Shoshones. She was then sold to a French-Canadian trapper named Toussaint Charbonneau and became one of his wives.

In November 1804, an expedition led by Meriwether Lewis and William Clark arrived there. Often called the Corps of Discovery, the expedition planned to explore newly acquired western lands and find a route to the Pacific Ocean. Lewis and Clark hired Charbonneau to serve as interpreter on their expedition. Even though she was pregnant with her first child, Sacagawea was chosen to accompany them.

She was killed at finding eatable plants. When a boat she was riding on turned over, she was able to save some of its goods, including important documents and supplies. She also served as a symbol of peace---a group traveling with a woman and a child were treated with less suspicion than a group of men alone.

Sacagawea also made a miraculous discovery of her own during the trip west. When they met a group of Shoshone Indians, she soon realized that its leader was actually her brother Cameahwait. It was through her that the expedition was able to buy horses from the Shoshone to cross the Rocky Mountains.

After reaching the Pacific coast in November 1805, they remained there until March of the following year. Sacagawea, her husband, and her son remained with the expedition on the return trip east until they reached the Mandan villages. And for her contribution to the Crops of Discovery, she was even featured on a dollar coin issued in 2000 by the US Mint.


70.Which of the following statements is TRUE?

A.Swordbird is an English adventure story.

B.One of her dreams made her begin to write Swordbird.

C.Swordbird only has an English version.

D.Swordbird is an excellent adult fiction.


69.Fan Yi’s book was related to the 9.11 terrorist attacks because     .

A.it was being written when the attacks happened

B.it expressed her desire for peace and an end to terrorism

C.they both involved fighting in the air

D.the attacks were mentioned in her book

