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Mark was on the 57th floor of the North Tower when the plane hit the building above his office. Eight years on he is suffering from PTSD(创伤后遗症),   31   has led him to write a book about his experiences after the 911 terrorist attack. He hopes that sharing   32   he’s been through will help others.

“The symptoms of PTSD like anxiety and sleeplessness will remain   33   me for life. They can be lessened and I can learn how to deal with   34  , but they’re never going to completely go away.” Everything from   35  (crowd) places to a particular telephone ring would trigger(触发) a panic attack. He’s been   36  (able) to go near a petrol station-  37  (simple) because of the smell. After the plane hit, jet fuel poured down through the building.

  38   became clear to Mark that he wasn’t able to travel by underground. “The building was still shaking while I   39  (walk) along the street. Any shake from  40  underground train became a trigger for horrible flashbacks(幻觉).”


British parents could soon face a fine and prison if their children misbehave(行为不端) at school. The government wants to introduce tough new laws to improve discipline in schools. They want to make parents more  21   for their children. The new measures include paying a 1,700-pound fine or going to prison. The government thinks that current policies on misbehavior are not  22   enough. Many British schools  23   high levels of truancy(逃学) and low academic achievement. The government believes every parent has a responsibility to support teachers and make sure the rules are  24  .

The measures are part of a new focus on the relationship between schools and  25 . There are also plans to help parents and students. It’s advised to give pupils private tutors if they are doing  26   in reading and maths. Doctors, health workers and social workers are needed in schools to provide better  27   services. Under the new plans, parents will have a bigger voice in how schools  28  . They will complete satisfaction surveys on how their children’s school performs. But some people worry that the plans are  29   to be popular with parents. There are also  30   about poorer parents not having enough money to pay the fines and whether they should go to prison for their children’s actions.

21. A. useful         B. responsible           C. eager            D. careful

22. A. strict         B. popular          C. new             D. famous

23. A. result in           B. think of          C. suffer from           D. carry out

24. A. understood     B. broken              C. made            D. obeyed

25. A. students          B. parents           C. teachers          D. officials

26. A. well          B. fast             C. properly          D. badly

27. A. nurse         B. transportation      C. community           D. church

28. A. operate           B. think            C. speak               D. open

29. A. able          B. easy             C. unlikely          D. practical

30. A. hopes         B. policies          C. comments        D. fears


56. D. 推理判断题由最后一段中的“But among those in 2006, 471 were killed in crosswalks, down slightly from 488 ten years earlier, the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) says .”可以知道正确答案为:D。  57.C 推理判断题。注意问的是直接原因。That result leads to turning the fallow land - including, in some cases, rain forest in places such as Brazil - into farmland 58. A .根据上下文可知是指能源优势。 59. A .作者意图判断题。根据全文可知作者认为用corn代替gas是不符合实际的,会带来很多意想不到的问题。 60. B .主旨判断题。读完全文我们可以知道,作者主要谈论的是可持续性的判断依据以及相关一些事实。该题容易误选D。 基础写作 共0条评论...


       Dear Jane,

 Glad to hear from you and you’re welcome to China in July. The following are some Chinese customs.

Firstly, we greet each other by saying “Hello” or asking such questions as “Where are you going?” or “I’m over-praised” to show good manners. Next, when receiving a gift, we usually say “It’s unnecessary” besides “Thanks” to show politeness and then put it away. Finally, at dinner parties, we talk loudly and touch glasses when drinking to someone’s health or success to show that we’re warm.

Anyhow, different cultures possess different customs. If you “Do as the Romans do when in Rome”,  you’ll enjoy more of your stay here.

  I hope what’s mentioned above might be helpful and wish you a good journey.

  Yours sincerely.

    Li Hua


54. C. 细节判断题,由第三段话中的next year states increase by nearly 15% the amount of time traffic lights provide for pedestrians to cross the street after the flashing orange hand appears .可以知道正确答案为C。 55. C. 细节判断题。由倒数第二段可以得出正确的答案。


53. B. 事实判断题。根据第一段和第二段话可以知道正确的答案为B. 该题容易误选A。

