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A.九州方圆     蜇伏    脉搏微弱    英雄气概

B.一如继往     渲泄    一诺千斤    大跌眼镜

C.出其不意     发轫    蛛丝马迹    一副对联

D.人情事故     精萃    悬梁刺股    工程竣工


第三节  书面表达(满分30分)

假设你是北京的一位中学生李华,得知你的加拿大笔友Mike 一家将来北京旅游两天。你有意为他们做导游。请给Mike 写一封email表达你的想法,并包括下列要点。

1.    个人优势:熟悉北京,擅长英语;

2.    参观景点:鸟巢,水立方,故宫,长城。


1.    可适当增加细节,使文章意思连贯。

2.    100词左右。首尾句已经给出,不计入总词数。

参考词汇:故宫 the Palace Museum

  鸟巢:the Bird Nest

水立方:the Water Cube

Dear Mike ,

  I’m glad to learn that you and your parents will come to Beijing for a two-day trip, and I’d like to serve as your guide.









I am looking forward to your reply.


                          Li Hua



1 D   2 B   3 A    4 B   5 V   6 A   7 B   8 A   9 D   10 A

  11A   12 B   13 D   14 C   15 C   16 C   17 D   18C  19 A   20 C

  21 B   22 C   23 A   24 C   25 A  26 D   27 C   28 B  29 C  30 D

  31 A   32 D   33 A   34 B   35 B  36 D   37 C   38 D  39 B   40 A

  41A   42 A   43 B   44 A   45C  46 D   47 A   48 C  49 C   50 B

  51 D   52 D   53 A   54 C   55 D  56 A   57 C   58 B  59 D   60 B

  61 E   62 D   63 A   64 C   65 F


66.habits    67.forties    68.announce   69.seldom   70.escaped

71.spread   72.December  73.button    74.thinner   75.raising


In a family New Year party,my uncle gave my cousins and me       76.   At  

a bit of wine and said. “Now enjoy yourself but don’t get drunk!”I       77. yourselves    

was pretty frightened and secret believed I was taking a big risk with      78. secretly    

my future, as I was only six then. Later my cousin had more and more     79. cousins    

drinks. I wanted to keep up with them, and I didn’t want to destroy      80. but    

myself. I solved this problem, by drinking fruit juice and pretend       81. pretending    

that it was wine. I tried to look just as crazy and out of the control       82. the    

as they did. To tell the truth, they never knew the difference. Years       83. √    

laer, I finally told the them the truth. And guess what ? They/\ just as      84. were    

ashamed as I was . they have been drinking grape juice too!         85. had    

One possible version

Dear Mke ,

I’m glad to learn that you and your parents will come to Beijing for a two-day trip, and I’d like to serve as your guide.

Born and growing up in Beijing, I know the city quite well. Above all, I can speak English quite fluently,so we can commuincate with each other easily. I know you have been longing for a visit to the Olympic venues like the Bird Nest and the Water Cube, therefore, I’ll first take you there. On the next day we can go to the Forbidden city, whose splendid construction will surly catch your imagination. Of curse, you won’t be lose the chance to be on the Great Wall. In a word, you’ll have a good time with me as your tour guide.

 I am looking forward to your reply.


                          Li Hua

本资料由《七彩教育网》 提供!


第二节 短文改错(共10小题:每小题1.5分,满分15分)






In a family New Year party,my uncle gave my cousins and me       76.     

a bit of wine and said. “Now enjoy yourself but don’t get drunk!”I       77.     

was pretty frightened and secret believed I was taking a big risk with      78.     

my future, as I was only six then. Later my cousin had more and more     79.     

drinks. I wanted to keep up with them, and I didn’t want to destroy      80.     

myself. I solved this problem, by drinking fruit juice and pretend       81.     

that it was wine. I tried to look just as crazy and out of the control       82.     

as they did. To tell the truth, they never knew the difference. Years       83.     

laer, I finally told the them the truth. And guess what ? They just as       84.     

ashamed as I was . they have been drinking grape juice too!          85.     


第一节  单词拼写(共10小题,每小题1分,满分10分)


66.He formedd a lot of bad    (习惯)when working in that factory.

67.In his    (四十), he would go to the library and sit in the same seat every day.

68.Please   (宣布)to your class that they will have a concert tomorrow.

69.I    (很少)see him invite his friends for a drink in the evening.

70.Each time Micheal Scofield was put in a heavily guarded prison, he   (逃脱)easily.

71.They had the good news   (传开)throughout the country.

72.     (十二月)is one of the busiest months in Hainan, as well all know.

73.He pressed a round    (按钮)and the machine began to work.

74.The young girl looks much    (瘦)than she used to be.

75.The angry mother couldn’t help   (提高)her voice to blame the naughty kids.

