0  393569  393577  393583  393587  393593  393595  393599  393605  393607  393613  393619  393623  393625  393629  393635  393637  393643  393647  393649  393653  393655  393659  393661  393663  393664  393665  393667  393668  393669  393671  393673  393677  393679  393683  393685  393689  393695  393697  393703  393707  393709  393713  393719  393725  393727  393733  393737  393739  393745  393749  393755  393763  447090 

3. According to the writer, which of the following is NOT true?

A. Storytelling once stopped in Wales.

B. Storytelling has a long history in Wales.

C. Storytelling is always well received in Wales.

D. Storytelling did not come back until 1993 in Wales.


2. From the tales told by the Inuit, people can learn _______.

A. about their life as early as thousands of years ago

B. why they tell the stories in a throat-singing way

C. how cold it has been where the Inuit live

D. how difficult it is to understand the Inuit


1. Ambrose believes that the art of storytelling _______.

A. will be more popular than TV

B. will be popular again

C. started in Wales

D. are in the hands of some old people


29、列宁说:“凡尔赛和约不过是强盗和掠夺者的条约……这不是和约,而是拿着钢刀的 强盗逼迫手无寸铁的受难者接受的条约。”当时的联军元帅福煦则预言:“这不是和平,这 是20年的休战。”这两种观点有何一致性?试以史实进行论述。


28、十月革命后,苏俄(苏联)农村生产关系的变革或调整经历了哪几个步骤?每一步变 革或调整的主要原因、核心内容以及结果如何?



A、美、日       B、英、美         C、英、法        D、英、日



A、  英、法维护凡尔赛体系的工具

B、  美国称霸世界的工具

C、  促进国际和平、合作与安全的组织

D、  国际间经济文化交流的组织


23、《和平大使》一书评述:“英国的根本利益在于防止德国的崩溃,只要德国是 一个统一的整体,欧洲就能或多或少地保持均势。”英国在下列哪些事件中的态度体现了上述观点

①巴黎和会                     ②德国赔款问题

③洛迦诺会议                    ④华盛顿会议

A、①②③       B、①③④         C、①③       D、②③④

