0  394032  394040  394046  394050  394056  394058  394062  394068  394070  394076  394082  394086  394088  394092  394098  394100  394106  394110  394112  394116  394118  394122  394124  394126  394127  394128  394130  394131  394132  394134  394136  394140  394142  394146  394148  394152  394158  394160  394166  394170  394172  394176  394182  394188  394190  394196  394200  394202  394208  394212  394218  394226  447090 

7.当地球公转到甲位置时,下列说法正确的是(    )






6.世界各国大多采取向东发射火箭的方式将卫星送入轨道,主要考虑到(    )

A.地球自转方向     B.地转偏向力

C.盛行风向       D.海陆位置




5.世界有些国家航天发射场主要建在本国领土的(    )

A.纬度较低地区     B.人口稠密地区 

C.科技发达地区     D.海拔较高地区


4.若X数值为500米,沿图中经线的地形剖面图是(   )





3.图中河流L的流向为(    )






2.若甲、乙两点之间的直线距离为40千米,要在边长为2米的图幅中完整绘制该区域图,所选用的比例尺应为(     )

A.1:40 000    B.1:200 000     C.1:4 000    D.1:20 000




1.图中公路沿线甲、乙、丙、丁四地中, 海拔最高点出现在(    )

A.甲      B.乙       C.丙      D.丁


This is ______(特别) important in written English.

Just be ______(耐心) a while. These things take time.

Can we ______(说服) her out of her foolish plans.

He was a ______(先驱) in modern medical practice.

______(塑料) are used in many modern articles instead of wood, metal and so on.

Some plants have ______(有毒的) roots and fruit.

He left his own country for ______(政治的) reason.

If you change the ______( 位置) of the chair around the table, there will be more room.

Fred’s good nature makes him the most ______(受欢迎的) boy in the school.

The ______(人口) of the city rose by 20%.


You should give the students a c______ feeling of success. You should often encourage them.

When ice forms on the bridge, c______ work has to be stopped.

He was always able to make c______ decisions.

He was c______ to know what was happening in the office.

What was the latest d______ in medicine?

There is not really much d______ in their points of view.

Police, in white jackets, were d______ the flow of traffic.

We tried to d______ him from climbing the mountain without a guide.

I have something of great importance to d______ with you.

They become e______ at catching the talks.


The earth, on which we live, is made up of seven c______ and four oceans.

Your explanation is far from s______, I think.

The ladies who are m______ the cloth are weavers.

The p______ of Shanghai is larger than that of Beijing.

The murderer was caught and later s______ to death.

When I asked the shop a______ to show me that dress, she made no answer.

You must make an a______ to her for your not going to the party.

At the e______ to the party, Mary picked up a wallet with a lot of money.

You must speak English as often as p______.

You must have caught cold, for you look f______.


Why were you a______ from school yesterday?

Columbus discovered America by a______.

What right have I to add the a______ of her heart?

The a______ result is quite different from the story I was told at first.

I don’t a______ smoking in the classroom.

Nothing could shake my b______ in his honesty.

We can’t get rid of war unless get rid of the c______ of war.

Please sit down and make yourself c______.

He said that I had a great c______ of the English language. I am good at English.

Britain and Australia share a c______ language.


China has a p______ of more than 1,300,000,000.

I don’t know how to play chess and my brother doesn’t e______>

The blackboard a______ which he is leaning has just been painted.

I was born on F______ 13,1987.

There on the ground l______ a boy of not more than 15 years old.

Who will be the w______ of the game hasn’t been known.

Smoking will do harm to your h______.

I was struck by the b______ of the West Lake.

Why is it necessary for a______ and industry to develop very quickly.

A person who pays money for the use of a house or land is a r______.


I am sure I can r______ him without difficulty though I haven’t seen him for some time.

After hard work, the workers completed the great building, on the front wall of which hung a p______ of Chairman Mao.

You must be ill, I’m afraid, for you look f______.

The tender young shoots of bamboo are crisp and t______.

Most rubber balls are h______, and that is why they are light.

I try my best to p______ him to take the job.

At last she was e______ to the young man against her will.

The Palace Museum has another name “ the F______ City”.

No book or magazine can be taken out of the reading room without p______.

In English the word “ moment” means “i______.


Important news is b_____ by CCTV every evening.

I r­­­­______ him at the first sight when he called on me.

Basketball is his f______ sport.

I’m very t______. Please give me some water to drink.

Rose is his c______. She is his uncle’s daughter.

Oceania is the smallest c______ in the world.

It was pleasant and c______ sitting here.

She cried suddenly and tears r______ down her face.

No one is a______. Let’s begin our meeting.

“Offer” is spelt with a d______  “f”.


It is difficult for f______ to write Chinese well.

When you go to a store , the shop a______ will probably say “Can I help you?”

We will never forget the b______ from our parents and teachers.

Four students answered the teacher’s questions s______.

In the old days, his father was f______ to keep a single thing of his own.

The p______ were taken in Beijing years ago.

When I was far away from home, I often think of my parents in the d______.

He is from Canada, so he is a C______.

He spoke so loudly so as to made himself h_____.

After g______, Einstein went to work, first as a teacher, then in a government office.


There are four of us, so we’d better divided the apple into q______ and each eats a pieces.

The word “letter” has a d______ “t” in the middle.

Antarctica is the coldest seven c______.

It is not a c_____ change for water to turn into ice.

“E_____” is the opposite of “full”.

He didn’t start to write the world masterpiece of his until he collected enough m______ about the World War history.

Mr Liu, our English teacher, often works so far into the night that his wife f______ for his health.

Mr and Mrs Brown were very rich, but their ways of living and dressing are still simple and p______.

The b______ of land next to the sea is called the coast.

Quality is more important than q______ in the production.


You have to be very p_______ if you want to get served in the shop.

My classmates came in, I raised my finger to my lips as a sign of s______

A w______ has the same shape as the letter “o”.

Train service are now back to n______ after last week’s strike.

The boy pressed his nose a______ the window, looking outwards at the children playing in the street.

Can you i______ what it would be like to live without electricity.

The girl w______ those film stars. She collects their photos.

Tom tried to clean the watch, but only s_______ in breaking it.

He is very d______; you always know what his real views are.

O______ you have made a mistake. Five dozen can’t be eighty.


His explanation sounds r______, but in fact it isn’t.

The noise of the plane died away in the d______.

You don’t mind my smoking here, I s______.

I don’t think it right to w______ some movie stars blindly.

The lecture was so t______ that some of us fell asleep.

I don’t think their team will b­­­­­______ ours in the football match.

The problem of reducing the noises in the town center was r______ o the city government.

We are so busy that none of us can be s______ for any other work.

Dark glasses are something w______ to protect the eyes from the strong light.

He looked back to his past, r______ spending so much time playing.


He was told that if he worked too hard, his health would s______.

He felt rather difficult to make a stand against the opinion of the m______ of the people.

The pupil become n______ when the teacher asked him to answer questions.

The fighting around the airport c______ for a week before the enemy were defeated..

The earth is a______ a bit nearer to the sun in January than July.

His e______ for being late was that there was a road accident.

There was an knock at the door. It was the second time that I had been i______ that evening.

The test is set in e______ the same length of time as the first one.

Jack had his leg b______ when skating yesterday. He was taken to the hospital.

He stood on one leg, l______ against the wall, while he took off his shoes.


I think I must make an a______ to her for not going to the party.

Dad, I have won the first prize in the physics competition.

C______, Tom!

Wang Ying’s father is a famous m______, and he teaches music in Central Music College.

We have P.E lessons on Monday, Friday and S_____ (星期六).

Jim’s p______ is considered to be the best in his class.

The classroom is fairly bright in the evening with six lights hanging from the c______.

In the past few years, the Chinese g______ has sent a lot of top officials to visit Europe America and some Asian countries.

When he studied in Cambridge University, he often a______ with George about politics.

Professor Smith often gives us v______ help and advice in our research work.

With the development of modern industry and agriculture, the air p______ is becoming more and more serious.


This is a h______(历史)  book, which tells us something happened in the past..

Please remember the h______ moment, when Lian zhan came back to mainland after 60 years.

With all the magazines he needed b______, he left the library.

The tsunami caused many d______ in this area.

The s______ look on her face suggested that she hadn’t expected the results.

Be careful. This material t______ easily.

It is said that about quarter of E______ can speak at least a foreign language.

You have already been in d______ to me for 1,000 yuan.

There is no p______ in waiting for a bus. They don’t run on public holidays.

What do you suppose has b______ of him?


She doesn’t speak as well as her friends, but her written work is e______.

The j­­­­­______ around the world took sailors nine months, of which the sailing time was 226 days.

P______ are being made for the Olympics Games to be held in Beijing.

I apologize if I hurt you, but I didn’t do it on p______.

She asked me to help her, r______ she couldn’t move the heavy suitcase herself.

L______ in an interesting novel, he didn’t noticed me enter the room.

My boss a______ for me to discuss business details with someone from another factory.

Then we will have no choice to give the performances w______ him.

When I entered the teacher’s room, she g______ at me and buried her nose to the homework again.

The boy r______ that he not be treated as a kid.


Wednesday, address, different, grammar, quarrelling, temperature, restaurants, included, splendid, pronunciation

recognize, alone, faster, respect, passing, mountain, accident, going, development, improving

bottle, promised, importance, possibly, secret, harvest, operate, medicine, pronunciation, education

February, curious, celebrations, recognized, worrying, introduced, snatched, straight, prepared, persuading

slightly, collecting, model, physicist, disappointed, quality, organized, compositions, passengers, treatment

astonishment, growth, irregular, celebration, make, hollow, explanation, imagine, scarce, European

Tuesday, umbrella, honest, tongue, separately, chemistry, message, quantity, announced, measured

rose, nervous, obey, island, persuade, planets, recognize, reduce, control, knowledge

vegetables, medical, arithmetic, dangerous, graduation, conditions, gathering, probably, invention, excellent

advanced, biology, character, encourage, curtain, favorite, youth, twelfth, quality, exhibition

marriage, popular, scolding, separately, characters, Antarctica, persuade, poisonous, permission, double

elephant, poisonous, labour, collect, habit,, health, locked, separated, water, produce

careless, illness, paint, expensive, thinner, appeared, expressed, ticket, granted, twentieth

Show,  quarreled, carefully, wears, progress, realities, women, public, problem, journey

special, development, parcels, recognize, daytime, collected, affectionately, concert, knowledge, liberation

interesting, importance, wondered, permission, congratulations, conclusion, materials, Altogether, dangerous, distance

pity, means, promise, Millions, satisfactory, respected/admired, continuous, Pacific, sick, host

escaped, exercise, valuable, whole, declared, force, satisfied, fight, Until, great

silence, persuade, invented, interrupt, really, vapour, trouble, war, meat, select

Incident, true, beautiful, wish, draw, equip, especially, gained, works, improve

rebellions, poet, stomach, millionaire, upstairs, spare, physical, expensive/excellent, temperature immediately

weakness, disappointment, obviously, improvement, punish, disappearance, carelessness, except, specially, respected

pronunciation, proper, published, protected, punish, quality, quantity, quarrel, rapid, reasonable

favorite, fortunate, frequently, geography, impress,, industry, knowledge, limited, liquid, majority

possible, poverty, practical, praises, preparation, present, pressure, produced, programme, progress

particularly/especially, patient, persuade, pioneer, Plastics, poisonous, political, position, popular/welcome, population

constant, construction, correct, curious, developments, difference, directing, discourage, discuss, expert

continents, satisfaction, measuring, population, sentenced, assistant, apology, entrance, possible, feverish

absent, accident, ache, actual, allow, belief, cause, comfortable, command, common

population, either, against, February, lay, winner, health, beauty, agriculture, renter

recognize, portrait/photo/picture, feverish, tasty, hollow, persuade, engaged, Forbidden, permission, instant

broadcast, recognized, favorite, thirsty, cousin, continent, comfortable, ran, absent, double

foreigners, assistant, benefits, separately, forbidden, photos/pictures, distance, Canadian, heard, graduation

quarters, double, continents, chemical, Empty, material, fear, plain, border, quantity

patient, silence, wheel, normal, against, imagine, worships, succeeded, direct, Obviously

reasonable, distance, suppose, worship, tiresome,/tiring, beat, referred, spared, worn, regretting

suffer, majority, nervous, continued, actually, excuse, interrupted, exactly, broken, leaning

apology, Congratulations, musician, Saturday,  pronunciation, ceiling, government, argued, valuable, pollution

history, historic, borrowed, deaths, surprised/shocked, tears, Europeans, debt, point, become

excellent, journey, Preparations, purpose, realizing, Lost, arranged, without, glanced, requested


  It is p______ that I might be of some use in that part of work.

  Being out of work causes p______.

I don’t think that it would be of much p______ value to either of us.

Everyone is singing your p______(赞扬).

He did too little p______ for his examination.

I am not going to buy a house at the p______ high price.

Food is broken up in the mouth by the p______ of the teeth.

All she said to comfort and make me brave had p______ its effect.

Last night’s p______ was a great success.

Officials of both sides reported that no p______ had been made on the talks.


His f______ newspaper was the Times. He likes it very much.

You are f______ in being able to live in the country. I think you are very happy.

They were poor and f______ in debt.

In g______ lessons we learn about all kind of countries and their people.

He used the power to i______ his belief on others.

Radioactivity is very important part of modern science, medicine and i______.

The discovery of radium was a very important part of the scientific k______ of the modern world.

Our holidays are l_____ to weeks a year.

When people are very ill, they are often fed with l______ food like milk.

The m______ of doctors believe that smoking is harmful to health.

