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27. There______ a number of natural mysteries in the world that even make scientists ______.

  A. exists; confusing           B. are existed; confused

  C. exist; confused            D. exist; confusing


26. The house is easily______ from the rest; it has a large blue door.

  A. picked up   B. taken up   C. picked out    D. made out


25. Books such as Harry Potter and Tom Sawyer’s Adventures ______ for children.

A. intend    B. intends   C. is intended    D. are intended 


24. Many New Zealand cities lie ____ a bay and ____ a natural, deep harbor.

A. on; enjoy     B. on; cover     C. off; include        D. off; have


23. Ann never dreams of ______ for her to be sent abroad very soon.

A. there being a chance          B. there to be a chance 

C. there be a chance           D. being a chance


22. The staff’s hope of improving the working conditions ______ their new manager.

A. keeps on   B. puts on       C. rests on            D. holds on


21. Oprah Winfrey is ______black woman whose rise to fame is ______ inspiring story.

  A. /;an     B. a; the      C. the; the      D. a; an

