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38. A. strange  B. lucky  C. difficult   D. true


37. A. paying attention to  B. cheering up  C. looking after  D. looking down upon


36. A. shown   B. told   C. given   D. bought


35. Not only   ,but also she likes singing.

 A. she likes painting    B. does she like painting  

C. likes painting she    D. she does like painting

SECTION B  (1.5′each)

Directions: For each blank in the following passage there are four words or phrases marked A,B, C, and D. Fill in each blank with the word or phrase that best fits the context.

On my birthday this year, I decided to do something very different. I had been  36   so much and I wanted to reach out to bring happiness to someone else. So, that afternoon, I bought some flowers and went to a hospital. I had no idea who I was going to present the flowers to, but I would find someone who needed  37   

I asked the nurses in the hospital, who thought it  38   that I didn’t have anyone in particular to see. Still, they gave me the room number of a(n)  39   lady, who needed some comfort.

I entered the room with the flowers. The elderly woman looked up, staring at me  40  . She was greatly moved when I told her about my  41   in being there. She was an amputee(被截肢者) and she explained to me that she was very worried because they were going to fit her with a prosthetic leg (假肢). She knew that as she was getting used to the “  42  ” leg, she would be in pain.

Later, in the following two hours, we  43   a lot and both felt very happy. I stayed until it was dark. I will always remember how  44   she was the moment she received the flowers from me ---a  45  . She called me her angel and said she had no more   46  .

I shared that story with my neighbor and she promised that she was going to do the same thing on her birthday. And I hope that she will   47   others to be kind and do the same thing. You never know you might be considered someone’s angel one day.


34. I spent the summer in France, ____ I climbed the Alps.

  A. in where   B. during which   C. there   D. that


33. He got well-prepared for the job interview, for he couldn’t risk ____ such a good opportunity.

  A. losing   B. being lost   C. to lose   D. to have lost


32. She looked at him ____ and her words sounded ______.

  A. warm; tireless   B. cold; sharply  C. warmly; tirelessly  D. coldly; sharp


31. I haven’t seen Molly this week. I think she _____ her parents but I’m not sure.

  A. might be visiting        B. ought to visit 

C. could have visited       D. had better visit


30.____ all her shopping, Lucy decided to go for a cup of coffee and have a rest.

  A. Doing  B. Being done  C. Having done  D. Having been done


29. It was a workday morning, and ____ must have been kids in school then.

  A. there   B. it  C. that  D. which

