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66. It can be inferred from the third paragraph that the author believes _____. 

  A. most people find it hard not to use computers.

  B. the Web is a healthy way for moms to escape family problems.

  C. surfing the Internet can help solve the mental disorders of moms.

  D. Internet addiction will sooner or later be officially recognized as a mental disorder.


65. What’s the best title for this passage?

  A. Advice on how to choose which media to get news.

  B. Many people get their daily news on the Internet.

  C. TV remains top source of news even as online grows.

  D. Differences between the Internet and traditional media.


For a stay-at-home mom, a computer with an Internet connection can truly be a lifeline(救生索). When diapers and baby talk become just too much, adult talk is just a click away. But for some moms, the attraction of the online world becomes too strong to resist and instead of being an occasional thing, it becomes an addiction.

Coleen Moore of the Illinois Institute for Addiction Recovery says she is seeing a growing number of young stay-at-home moms for whom blogs and social networking have become a passion, which will harm their real-world lives.

At present, Internet addiction is not officially recognized as a mental disorder. But a recent survey showed 14 percent of Internet users find it hard to stay away from their computers for several days at a time, and that 8 percent use the Web to escape problems. Considering this, it is probably just a matter of time before it is.

What drives a mom to the Internet is not different from what drives an alcoholic to drink: an empty place that needs filling. “In addiction treatment, we talk about the fact that there is a void(空虚),” says Moore. “Whatever that void may be - whether it’s emotional, spiritual, physical-we’re trying to fill it.” So, how can you find the void? A journal tracking when and why you go online and what you may be avoiding when you do so can be helpful in finding it out.

But what makes Internet dependence special is the fact that usually it is not just a way to escape the tiring parenting or make a connection with others, but also a way to make a statement and be heard.


64. We can conclude from the passage that ________.

  A. surfing the Internet needs a higher education.

  B. Pew carried out the survey on the Internet.

  C. more people advertise their products on the Internet.

  D. old people like reading newspapers best.


63. According to the passage, Net consumers and integrators _______.

  A. are mostly old people      B. have been well-educated 

C. also like reading newspapers   D. must have their own computers


62. According to the passage, people who like getting news online are _______.

  A. younger  B. older  C. poorer   D. richer


61. We can find this passage most probably ________.

  A. in a textbook     B. in a government report 

C. in an advertisement   D. on the internet


60. What do the above four travelers have in common?

  A. They stayed at lodges while in Kenya.

  B. They went to the same places in Kenya.

  C. They visited Kenya in the same year.

  D. They treasured the experience in Kenya.


Fewer Americans are reading newspapers and more Americans are instead getting their news online, but television remains the leading source of news in the country, according to a survey.

Not surprisingly, younger people tend to get more of their news on the Internet, while older people use traditional media such as television and newspapers, the Pew Research Center’s survey on the ways of getting news said the results show an increasing change toward getting news online, but that there is now a fairly large group of better-off people that use both traditional and online sources to get their news. The Pew researchers referred to these people as integrators, and said they accounted for 23 percent of those surveyed, spending the most time getting news on a typical day.

“Like Net news consumers, integrators are highly educated. However, they are older,” the survey said.

It is this group that advertisers typically like to target, which helps explain why newspaper publishers have seen sharp falls in ad income as spending shifts to online. Pew found that the largest group of news consumers -46percent of those surveyed-have a heavy reliance(依赖) on television for their news at all times of the day. This group is the oldest, with a median age of 52, with 43 percent unemployed. They are unlikely to own a computer or go online for news.

“The group that relies most on the Internet for news is the youngest at a median age of 35. It is also the smallest group, at 13 percent of those surveyed. Fewer than half of them watch television news on a regular basis.


59. According to Arnold Wanjau, ______.

A. Kiwayu is the best place in the world

B. African countries are developing too fast.

C. Africa has been influenced by western cultures.

D. African people should be more polite.


58. Which of the following statements is NOT true according to the passage?

  A. David Hasselman is fond of fishing.

B. Richard Smith has visited Kenya several times.

C. Wildebeests usually migrate to Masai Mara in June.

D. Richard Smith was satisfied with his tour guide while in Kenya.


57. It can be inferred from the first part that _______.

  A. Masai Mara is not very far from Nairobi.

B. Jayne Roberts is still in Kenya now.

C. Mara Bushtops lies in the national reserve.

D. the couple traveled in Kenya on their own.

