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12.apply for 申请,请求

apply for a job / post / passport

apply to sb. / sth. 有关,有效 (适用,应用)

These rules don’t always apply.这些规则并非总能行得通。

applied 应用的,实用的 applied mathematics

application n.申请,请求 an application form


11. suitable 适当的,恰当的

be suitable for / to

a place suitable for a picnic 适合野餐的地方

Would now be a suitable moment to tell him the news?

suited adj.(作表语) (for / to)


10. attempt vt.尝试,努力 n.试图,企图

v. She will attempt to beat the world record.

He was charged with attempted robbery.

n. attempt ( to do sth. / at doing sth. )

They made no attempt to escape / at escaping.

They failed in all their attemps to climb the mountain.



1) 帐,帐目 =bill, check

2)记述,叙述 =description, statement


on account of = because of = owing to = due to =thanks to由于,因为

account for = clear up 解释,说明


8. in the first /second place (用以列举理由)首先/其次= firstly/ secondly


in place out of place

in place of sb./ in one’s place take place

take one’s place/ take the place of sb.


7.in a row 一个接一个地,连续不断地

e.g. This is the third Sunday in a row that it’s rained.

row V. 划(船)They rowed ( the boat) across the river.

n. 排 a row of books 一排书 standing in a row/ in rows 站成行


6.fade 1)褪色,凋落,衰弱

Will (the colour in) this material fade?

She is fading fast. 她身体很快就衰弱了。


The sound of cheering faded (away) in the distance.

All memory of her childhood had faded from her mind.

His hopes faded.

fade in/out (电影广播)画面清晰度逐渐增强(减弱)



5.set down

1) 将某事物记在纸上,写下来 = write down /put down

2) (车辆或司机)停下来让乘客下车

The bus stopped to set down an old lady.

set 短语小结:

set about sth. / doing sth.着手做某事

set out to do sth. 着手做某事

set off 1) 出发,开始They’re setting off on a journey round the word.

2)爆炸 set off the fireworks

set aside 1)放下 2)节省 3)不管不顾,置于一旁

I try to set aside a few minutes each day to do some exercises.

set up


4. send (sth.) in 寄送某处进行处理 send sth. by post

Have you __________ your application for the job?

A. send B. send up C. send off D. send in

send ( sb. ) in 指示某人去某地处理某局面

改错:Soldiers sent in to put down the rebellions (叛乱).

send 用法小结 :

The explosion sent them running in all directions.

The difficult word sent me to my dictionary.

The news sent the stock Exchange into a panic.使某人进入某种状态

send the children to bed 把孩子们打发上床

send sth out 1)发出 The sun sends out light and heat.

2)发送 He sent out the invitation to the party.

3) 生出或长出某物The trees send out new leaves in spring.

send for sth. /send for sb.(to do sth.) 派人请

(send for a taxi, an ambulance, a doctor) (send for sb.to repair the TV)

send up /send off


3. conclude (include)

1) 使某事结束 conclude …… by / with 以 …… 结束

The meeting concluded at 8 o’clock.

The story concludes with the hero’s death.

a few _______( concluding/concluded) remarks the ___________ speech

2) conclude sth. from sth. 经推理相信某事物

There are the facts,what do you conclude from them?

2) 达成,决定,缔结(条约等)

Britain concluded a trade agreement with China.

n. conclusion

1) 结束,结尾 at the conclusion of his speech

2) 结论 I came to the conclusion ________ he’d been lying.

A. that B. which C. what D. how


draw/ come to / reach /arrive at a conclusion 得出结论,告一段落

to conclude (作插入语) 最后(一句话)

in conclusion 最后,总之

