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3. The policemen rushed into the bedroom, only to find the couple ____ on the bed, dead.


2. There's plenty of time left; No ____.


1. The Smiths said they would take ____ to repair the windows by themselves.


17. wonder v. 惊奇,惊叹,对……感到惊奇,想知道

[C] 奇迹,奇观奇事I wondered that he couldn't answer such an easy question. 他竟然回答不出这样简单的问题,真让我感到奇怪。/ I don't wonder at her refusing to marry him. 她拒绝嫁给他,对此我一点也不奇怪。/ It is really a wonder that he can recover from the SARS. 他能从非典型性肺炎中康复真是一个奇迹。

▲ 构词:wonderful adj. 令人惊奇的.奇妙的,极好的,令人愉快的

▲ 搭配:

① what a wonder! 多么令人惊异!真想不到!

② It is a wonder that... 奇怪的是……

③ (It's) no / little / small wonder (that…) 难怪…,…并不奇怪It's no wonder that you are so happy. 难怪你这么高兴。

④ do / perform / work wonders 创造奇迹,取得惊人成就

[考例](2005湖北) He hasn't slept at all for three days. ____ he is tired out.

A. There is no point     B. There is no need

C. It is no wonder     D. It is no way

[考查目标] 考查 wonder 的词义。

[答案与解析]C   “他已经三天没有睡觉了,现在筋疲力尽也不足为奇。”根据句意,答案选C。 no wonder 表示“不足为奇的”;no point 表示“没有意义”;no need表示“没有……的必要”;no way 表示“决不”。



(lie, remind, case, depend, add, measure, hurry)


16. remind

(1) vt. 提醒

① remind sb. of / about sth. 提醒某人某物;提醒某人注意某事Be sure to remind her of the meeting she has to attend. 务必提醒她要参加那次会议。

② remind sb. to do sth. 提醒某人做某事Please remind me to post the letter. 请提醒我寄那封信。

③ remind sb. that-clause 提醒某人…… She reminded me that I hadn't written to mother. 她提醒了我,我还没给妈妈写信。

(2) vt. 使(人)想起,使记起

① remind sb. of sb. / sth. 使……想到某人或某物 He reminds me of his father. 看到他使我想起他的父亲。

② remind sb. that-clause 使人回忆起…… The sight of the clock reminded me that I was late. 看到钟使我想起我已经晚了。

[考例][2000上海春招]what you said just now ____ me of that American professor.

A. mentioned B. informed  C. reminded D. memorized

[考查目标] remind基本用法。

[答案与解析]C  remind表示“提醒;让……想起”。


15. reduce vt. & vi 减少,缩减,减化

reduce prices 降低价格

reduce air pollution 减少空气污染

reduce one's weight 减肥

reduce noise 减少噪音

[注意]reduce 作不及物动词时,仅作“减肥”讲。I must reduce to get into that dress. 我必须减肥才能穿上那条裙子。

[拓展]reduce...to 使……陷入不良状况;把……归纳成;把……降职为(to为介词) He was reduced to begging for food. 他沦落到讨饭的地步。

[短语]     order 使……恢复秩序;整理

reduce...to   silence使安静,使沉默下来

tears 使哭了起来


14. press vt. & vi. 按,压,夹 n. 压力,印刷机,新闻界  Press this button to start the engine. 按下这个按钮启动发动机。/ My shoes presses my toe. 我的鞋挤脚趾。/ The power of the press is very great. 舆论的力量是巨大的。

[拓展] pressure n. 劳累,紧张;pressing adj. 紧迫的,恳切的

[短语] be pressed for time / money 缺时间/钱;press on 加紧赶路,奋力前进;in the press 正在印刷


13. measure 的用法

▲ 搭配:

① make sth to sb's measure 按某人的尺寸制作某物

② take measures 采取措施  ③ beyond / above measure 无法估量地;无限的,极度地,非常,极为

[考例][2004天津] I realized strength and courage aren't always ____ in medals and victories, but in the struggle we overcome.

A. measured   B. praised  C. tested   D. increased

[考查目标] 本题考查measure的意思。

[答案与解析]A  measure的基本词义是“衡量,量”。


12. lie的用法

▲构词:liar n. 说谎者


① lie down 躺下;磨洋工;停止战斗

② lie in 在于;位于

③ tell a lie = tell lies 撒谎

[考例][2002北京] I would ____ very still so that the "enemy" would not discover me.

A. lay   B. hide   C. rest   D. lie


[答案与解析]D  lie是动词原形,意思是“躺”或“撒谎”。在本句中是“躺”的意思。


11. hurry 的用法

▲ 构词:

① hurried adj. 匆忙的

② hurriedly adv. 仓促地.慌忙地

▲ 搭配:

① in a hurry 匆忙地

② in no hurry 不忙,有充分的时间;不急于

③ no hurry 不忙.不必着急,有充裕的时间

④ hurry up 快点,赶紧做;催促(快点)

▲ 辨析:hurry; haste; speed 均含“动作上的快速”的意思。

hurry 指“动作不轻松、不自然的快,有时表示不必要的快”,并且常有“忙乱仓促”的意思。例如:In her hurry she forgot to leave her address. 在匆忙中,她忘了留下地址。

haste 着重“想办法赶快”的意思,并常表示“匆忙的动作。有时动作过分仓促而不能得到预期的结果”。例如:All his haste was of no use. 他白忙了。/ Haste makes waste. 欲速则不达。

speed 指“人(物)快捷(速)的动作”。例如:It is dangerous to corner at speed. 高速转弯是危险的。

[考例][2004湖南] When l there ____ I apologized for being late, and told him I'd come as quickly as I could,...

A. went   B. ran   C. walked   D. hurried

[考查目标] 考查几个与“走”有关的近义词的区别。

[答案与解析]D  从上下文看,当时,是”匆忙”的。

