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15.-- I haven’t got the reference book yet, but I’ll have a test on the subject next month.

  -- Don’t worry.You ______ have it by Friday.

  A.shall              B.could             C.must              D.may


14.By the time my mother came back from work, my sister and I     supper and were waiting for her at the table.

  A.have cooked       B.were cooking      C.had cooked        D.would cook


13.It     a Saturday afternoon in May ______ Margaret could arrange for me to meet her elder sister.

  A.was until, when                        B.was until; that  

  C.was not until, when                     D.was not until; that


12.-How will you deal with these papers, Ann?

-I will leave them to     takes over the job.

  A.anyone           B.someone          C.whoever          D.no matter who


10.Jess was sad and her friends helped her     the first awful weeks after her husband Bill died.

  A.break through     B.break down       C.get through       D.get rid of

1l.The girl in plain clothes,     was wonderfully calm in face of danger, was just sixteen years old.

  A.when             B.which             C.what             D.who


9.Once made out, the law must be carried out ______ any difficulty.

   A.regardless of      B.instead of         C.because of        D.in need of

