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  ①Have you fed the baby on milk?

  ②Have you fed milk to the baby?


4.In area…the same size as/…more than 13 times as many as

China is large in area and rich in resources.中国地大物博。

The TV tower is nearly 40 metres in height. 这个电视塔几乎有40米高。

They built a fence 30 meters in length. 他们建了30米长的篱笆。

The area of Australia is 7.6 million sq.km.澳大利亚的面积大760万平方公里。


A be x times the size/height/length of B

A be x times as big/high/long as B

A be x-1 time bigger/higher/longer than B

A be bigger/higher/longer than B by x-1 times


This room is three times the size of that one.

This room is three times as big as that one.

This room is twice bigger than that one.

This room is bigger than that one by twice.



  Although both these shops sell vegetables, they are quite separate.

  The children all sleep in separate beds.

  We’re sorry that you two should be separated.

  England is separated from France by the English channel.

  Let’s separate them into three groups.

  Please separate the good apples from the bad ones.

  They didn’t separate till midnight.

  The good friends were glad to meet after so long a separation.

Cf:The world is divided into five continents.

  You can divide the apples between you.


divide: 着重把一个整体按一定数量和大小比例分成若干份。


3.Some Australia Aborigines still live in a similar way to their ancestors, while others live in cities, towns and the country in the same way as their fellow Australians. 一些澳大利亚的土著人依然过着和他们祖先类似的生活而其他人象他们的澳洲同胞那样生活在都市、城镇和乡下

▲fellow n.(常用复数,用以构成复合词)同伴;同志

school fellows同学  bed fellows同床者

Her fellows share her interest in computers.她的同伴跟她一样对计算机感兴趣。


fellow creatures 同类动物  fellow countryman 同胞  fellow traveler旅伴;同路人


Poor fellow!可怜的小伙子!。

Step 5 Integrative reading


  The two cities are connected by a railway

  The No. 1 trolly bus connects here with the No. 4 trolly bus for the East Lake.

connect with Beijing University.

connect A with B   connect…with(by)    join A to B/join…with(by)

We can connect(join)the two islands with a bridge.

The road connects Beijing with Tianjin.

The new highway has joined our hometown to the city.

The Pananma Canal connects the Atlantic with the Pacific.

(The road connects Shanghai and Suzhou.)


2. Australia is surrounded by many oceans.澳大利亚周边有两大洋

surround  包围   surround sb./ sth. with sth

They have surrounded the town with troops.他们出动军队包围了该城。

surround 常用于被动语态中 “被……包围

The house is surrounded by/with high walls.房子周围有高高的围墙。

When he came back ,he found himself surrounded by his family and friends.


surroundings  (周边环境)      environment  (与人类相对的环境)


1. Modern Australia is made up of six states and two territories现代澳大利亚是由六个州两大区组成的

be made up of =consists of  由……组成

The Grade Three in our school is made up of 21 classes.我们学校高三年级是由21个班级组成的。

17 classes make up the Grade Three in our school. (另一种译法)

The solar system is made up of a star and nine plants. 太阳系是由一个恒星和九个行星组成的。

make up   和解,和好; 虚构,编造; 化妆; 补偿,弥补; 凑钱

It is very hard to make up the quarrel between the couple.很难调解这对夫妇之间的争吵。

Don’t make up any excuse to cheat me.不要找任何借口来欺骗我。

I find no time to make myself up every day.梳妆打扮

Because you were ill, you will have to make up the final exam.补期末考试

Hard work can make up for a lack of intelligence/the lost time.


Have you made up the money for your class? 凑钱

make an effort to do 努力做……     make one’s mind to do 决心做…… make a discovery 做出发现       make fun of 取笑…… make friends with sb. 与某人交朋友  make use of 利用 make a decision 做出决定       make preparation for 为……做准备 make for 造成,促成 ……移动,前进  make a promise 做出承诺,许诺 make out 辨明,看清,理解        make an attempt to do 尝试做


14. From the text we can infer Australia came into being ________ the continent began to exist.

    A. long before                      B. long after   

C. at .the same time when          D. shortly after

Step 4 Language points


13. From the national flag of Australia, we can know________.

    A. there are 5 states altogether in Australia 

B. people of Australia like American society

    C. people of Australia think they have something to do with the English people

    D. Australia suffered from immigration


12. It was ________ that made the original Australians suffer.

    A. the American War of Independence   B. Captain James Cook

    C. the English prisoners         D. the first fleet of 11 ships


11..According to the text, Asian countries have _________ on Australia culture.

A. great influence    B. little influence   C. no influence   D. no effect

