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35.Allow children the space to voice their opinions,____ they are different from your own.

A. until  B. even if  C. unless  D. as though


34.You should be _________ of your ______ behavior.

A. shameful; ashamed   B. ashamed; shameful

C. guilty; shameful    D. sorry; shameful


33.______ for the free tickets, I would not have gone to the films often.

A. If it is not  B. Were it not  C. Had it not been  D. If they were not


32.A queen ant may ______ tens of thousands  of babies in one summer.

A. bear  B. have  C. give birth to  D. all the above


31.There are a great _________ flowers shown in the park and ________ people go to have a look.

A. plenty of; many   B. diversity of; a mass of 

C. diverse; a lot of   D. diversity; a large number of


30._________ to sunlight for too much time will do harm to one’s skin.

A. Exposed     B. Having exposed

C. Being exposed   D. After being exposed


29.Suddenly,a tall man driving a golden carriage _______ the girl and took her away, ________ into the woods.

A. seizing; disappeared     B. seized; disappeared

C. seizing; disappearing    D. seized; disappearing


28.Some areas,_______ their severe weather conditions, are hardly populated.

A. due to  B. in spite of   C. but for   D. if only


27.----- How do you find your travel to Hainan?

   ------- _________ ,I enjoyed it very much, although the weather of some days was unpleasant.

A. In addition  B. In other words  C. On the whole  D. On the other hand


26.-----  Have you _______ your school life here?

   ------ Yes, but I don’t like ______ when we hate to do morning exercises on cold mornings.

   A. been used to; this    B. accustomed to; that

   C. got used to; those    D. got accustomed to; it

