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8.A decide on选定;try sth.on试穿(衣物);take on呈现;carry on进行某事,继续做。结合空后面的for my next holiday,可知选A。


7.B shameful通常用来作定语;be ashamed of感到惭愧;shame作及物动词时,表示“使……感到羞愧”,C、D是其两种分词形式,一般不构成固定搭配。结合语境和空格后的介词可知应选B。


6.B feel like doing sth....想做……,愿意做……;would rather后引导从句时,从句中要用虚拟语气,即要用一般过去时,表示“宁愿做……”。


5.D be devoted to致力于;be related to与……有联系;be connected to与……相关联;be addicted to对……上瘾的。


4.B 第一空表示“习惯于干某事”,可用be used to doing或be accustomed to doing,故排除C、D两项,第二空可用adapt/accustom oneself to使自己习惯于。


3.C build up one’s strength强身健体。


2.A 句意为“医生们正在研究以便发现当人们戒烟时,他们身体上将会发生什么情况”。decline下降;prevent阻止;reserve预订。


1.A due to由于,起因于,常用做表语,第一个空应填was due to;第二个空填was due to,due为形容词,意思是“合理的,应支付的”。money与其后作定语的动词不定式具有逻辑上的动宾关系,不定式应用被动式。



My wife and I had just finished the 150­mile trip home from our daughter’s college.It was the first time in our lives that we would __1__ for any length of time.We wondered how other people had __2__ it.

Later in bed,I __3__ the time I started college.My father had driven me,too.My mother had to stay home to keep the __4__from getting into the crops.I,the fourth in a line of brothers,was the first to __5__ college.

The truck was slow,and I was glad.I didn’t want to get to the city __6__.I shook hands with my father in the truck and he didn’t say a word.But I knew he was going to make a little __7__.He finally said,“I never went to college and __8__of your brothers did.I can’t say don’t do this or that,because everything is __9__and I don’t know what is going to come up,but I think things will __10__.When you get a job,be sure to be honest and work hard.” I knew that soon I would be __11__in the big town and I would be __12__the life home.

Then my father__13__the Bible (圣经) that he had read so often.I knew that he would miss it but I must__14__it.He just said,“This can help you __15__you will let it.”

When I finished school I took the Bible __16__to my father.But he said he wanted me to __17__it.

Now,too late,I remember.It would have been so __18__ to give it to my daughter when she got out of the car.But I didn’t.My father could give me only a Bible,but I don’t really believe now that I gave her half as __19__as my father gave me.So the next morning I__20__up the book and sent it to her.I wrote a note.“This can help you.” I said,“if you will let it.”

1.A.worry           B.separate

C.stay             D.travel

2.A.left            B.stood

C.enjoyed           D.tried

3.A.wasted           B.spent

C.remembered         D.killed

4.A.policemen         B.workers

C.cattle            D.soldiers

5.A.graduate from       B.go away to

C.be dismissed from          D.set up

6.A.very late         B.far away

C.too soon         D.once again

7.A.speech         B.living

C.promise          D.progress

8.A.some           B.one

C.none            D.all

9.A.impossible        B.different

C.difficult          D.favorite

10.A.work out        B.die out

C.hold out          D.break out

11.A.happy          B.alone

C.free            D.lost

12.A.losing          B.spending

C.missing          D.living

13.A.brought about      B.brought out

C.brought up         D.brought down

14.A.refuse          B.mark

C.follow              D.take

15.A.if                B.unless

C.but                    D.though

16.A.down             B.up

C.back                D.away

17.A.keep              B.return

C.post                D.sell

18.A.popular            B.strange

C.ready               D.nice

19.A.much             B.many

C.far                 D.good

20.A.set               B.turned

C.gave                 D.wrapped

