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8.如图所示,一束光线斜射人容器中,在P处形成一光斑,在  向容器里逐渐加满水的过程中,光斑将  A .向左移动后静止    B .向右移动后静止

 C .先向左移动再向右移动 D .仍在原来位置



A.影响了车铃的正常振动    B.车铃就不会振动

C.没有铃声传出      D.车铃周围就没有了传声介质



A.空气中的电磁波频率越高波长越长  B.核电站是利用核裂变的能量来发电的

C .手机是利用超声波来传递信息的   D.能量是守恒的,所以不会发生能源危机








4. 下列关于足球运动员在踢足球时的分析,正确的是

A.踢足球时,球对脚没有作用力   B.足球在空中时受到脚的作用力

C.足球在空中继续运动是由于惯性  D.脚对足球的力和足球的重力是一对平衡力



A.分子间有引力            B.分子间有斥力

C. 分子在不停地做无规则运动      D. 分子从花朵向四周定向运动



A.春天到了,冰雪消融   B.初夏,林中白雾弥漫

C.深秋,果实上挂满了白雪 D.严冬,河面上结冰



A.一个鸡蛋受到的重力约为0.5N  B.运动员百米赛跑的平均速度约为25m/s


D.一只普通教室用日光灯正常工作时的电流接近于1 A


1. He worked very hard in order to achieve his goal.

2. Having walked the whole day, we were so tired that we could do nothing but sleep.

3. No matter what problem he faces, he never gives up.

4. It is too long a journey to make in one day by car.

5. You’d better start by introducing yourself.

6. Tom prefers to stay up late to finish the work rather than leave it done the next day.

7. Forests can not only fresh the air but also reduce noises.

8. You could either buy an MP3 or go to Yunnan for a visit if you pass the exam.

9. He is such a boring man that he likes neither entertainment nor learning.

10. Football as well as computer games is popular with young people.

11. Everyone is busy in the classroom. Some are reading, others are writing.

12. Beijing has a population of 13 million, making it one of the largest cities in China.

13. The distance from east to west is over 5,500 kilometers and the country covers 6 of the world’s 24 time zones.

14. I didn’t know the truth until she told me what had happened.

15. It is no good talking without thinking carefully.

16. People find it important to have some working experience.

17. It is ten years since I met him last time.

18. It won’t be long before we graduate from this school. 

19. It is convenient for us to be able to get lots of information through Internet.

20. It took us quite some time to collect so much information.

21. It’s time for us to leave the park.

22. It is friendship that we value most.

23. It is time that we did something to protect the environment.

24. They believe it their duty to help those in need.

25. It is said that more chances will be given to the students.

26. It is known to all that China is a country with a long history.

27. As is known to all, the 29th Olympic Games will be held in Beijing in 2008.

28. What excited me most greatly was that my novel had been published.

29. There is a beautiful girl living in the small village at the foot of the mountain.

30. The reason why I was late was that I caught in the traffic jam this morning.

31. There used to be a library, but now it has been torn down.

32. There is no doubt whether he is fit for the job.

33. To my great surprise, he managed to complete the task only in a couple of days.

34. I had a roll of film developed last week.

35. Thanks to our efforts, everything is going smoothly.

36. I’m not sure when I saw her last.

37. But for the rain, we should have had a pleasant journey.

38. I was about to go out when the telephone rang.

39. Some people waste food while others don’t have enough.

40. He was so tired that he fell asleep with his shoes on.

41. Once you are here, listen to your teacher’s instructions.

42. The population in and around San Francisco is now ten times more than it was in 1906.

43. The more you practice English, the easier it becomes.

44. The Chinese diet is considered to be the healthiest in the world.

45. Mobile phones play an important role in our daily life.

46. Besides his work in physics, he spent a lot of time working for human rights and progress.

47. Instead of going to the bank, they will use a computer and a telephone to change money and to pay their electricity bills and so on.

48. That is because this professor has disease which prevents him from speaking.

49. Although many families became separated, people still kept in touch with each other.

50. China Daily has all usual sections of newspaper, including Home News, International News, Business News and Sports news.


1. 粘连句

Beijing is a beautiful city, I enjoy living here.

2. 句子结构不完整

There are many people agree to keep pets at home.

Although pets may pollute the environment.

3. 不平衡结构

   The new house is large, beautiful and has enough rooms for people to live in.

   There is a great different between dining out and to have a snack at home.

4. 悬空修饰

   Comparing with Zhongguancun, Silicon Valley is far more developed.

   To finish the task perfectly, more practice should be done ahead.


   Who will instead of Miss Green?

   We all against all kinds of terrorists activities.

   There were 20 people died in the car accident.    

   Don’t worry. Your body will get well soon.

   I was very glad to hear from her letter.

   The film had begun for 5 minutes when I got to the theatre.

   The western part of the city rained heavily yesterday evening.

   Our school have taken place great changes.

   Welcome you to visit Beijing.

