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5.(★★★★★)It is implied but not said directly that ________ after joining the WTO.

A.some industries will not develop because of strong competition

a’s foreign trade will be restricted by the WTO rules

a’s car industry will develop fast

D.ordinary people can buy cheaper goods


We welcome you aboard the Finnair Flight and will do our best to make your trip comfortable and enjoyable.

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Meals and drinks

During most flights we serve you a tasty meal with drinks to accompany it . Beer, wine and other drinks are served free of charge.Coffee , tea and juice are served free of charge on all domestic flights of over 35 minutes. On domestic flights leaving before nine and on all flights to northern Finland, a snack is served. We value your opinion.

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4.(★★★★★)Which of the following statements is implied but not stated?

A.The growth of the world’s population has meant greater danger to wildlife.

B.About a thousand species of animals are in danger of dying out.

C.The rate of extinction of mammals is lower now than it was from AD 1 to 1800.

D.Hunters who kill endangered species are severely punished by law.


After entering the WTO,China will enjoy the most favored nation status as a member country.This will enable China’s products to enter foreign markets at a lower tax.After joining the WTO,China has to carry out the WTO’s rules and open its home markets;this will help further improve the investment (投资)environment and strengthen the appeal(吸引力)of Chinese markets to foreign investment.It is conducive(有利的)to speeding the readjustment of our industrial structure.And it helps continue deepening China’s economic restructuring(改进).

It helps China to take part in the formulation of new rules of international trade,protecting China’s rights and interests and raising China’s international status.

Of course,in joining the WTO,China will have to take up some duties,this will surely bring certain pressure and challenge to us.

Firstly,further opening the market will cause some domestic products,enterprises and industries to face stronger competition.

Secondly,China’s foreign economic and trade management will,to a certain extent,be restricted by the WTO rules.

In looking at the advantages and disadvantages of China’s joining the WTO,we cannot base ourselves on one or several industries,instead we should keep an eye on the development of the entire economy.Looking upon the matter from the entire industry,entry into the WTO will bring to China’s industries greater opportunities than its side effects.Most Chinese industries will gain more opportunities for development.

To ordinary people,entry into the WTO means cheaper foreign goods.At present,some imported goods are very expensive because our country collects very nigh taxes on them.After entry into the WTO,these taxes will be cut down gradually so that it will force down the prices of imported goods coming into China.Home customers will benefit greatly.But it is not wise to hope that all foreign goods will become cheap overnight.In fact,according to the WTO agreement,there is a period of time during which some important but underdeveloped industries are protected so that they will not be destroyed by the rush of cheaper foreign goods.The car industry is a good example.It is believed that during the first few years after China’s entry into the WTO,the prices of cars will remain comparatively stable (稳定).


3.(★★★★★)What can you infer from the article?

A.The classical art is much too dull and lifeless.

B.Both of the two artists learned a lot from the classical art.

C.Both of the two artists had a very hard life,especially suffered from poverty(穷困).

D.The classical art has been the aim of the two artists.


In many countries today,laws protect wildlife.In India the need for such protection was realized centuries ago.

About 300 BC an Indian writer described forests that were somewhat like national parks today.The killing of game beasts was carefully supervised.Some animals were fully protected.Within the forest,nobody was allowed to cut trees,burn wood for charcoal,or trap animals for their furs.Animals that became dangerous to human visitors were trapped or killed outside the park,so that other animals would not become uneasy.

The need for wildlife protection is greater now than ever before.About a thousand species of animals are in danger of extinction,and the rate at which they are being destroyed has increased.With mammals,for instance,the rate of extinction is now about one species every year;from AD 1 to 1800,the rate was about one species every fifty years.Everywhere,men are trying to solve the problem for preserving wildlife while caring for the world’s growing population.


2.(★★★★★)Which of the following can be inferred from this passage?

A.The economy is more important to government than people’s health is.

B.Governments think chemicals  brings them more economic benefits than economic cost.

C.The public knows enough about the dangers of chemical pollution.

D.The governments fully realize the long-term economic costs of chemical pollution.


Vincent Van Gogh was an important painter of the 19th century.He was born in Holland,but he lived much of his life in France.He was a very emotional man,and there was much suffering in his life.

His style of painting was very different from classical art.He painted pictures of the sunny,hot regions of France.He looked for interesting shapes and exciting colors.He liked to work freely and quickly.There is fast movement in many of his paintings.Sometimes the trees look like fire.The sun,moon,and stars move rapidly in the sky.He also painted pictures of people.

Paul Gauguin was another 19th century painter.He was French and a friend of Van Gogh.Before he became an artist,Gauguin had been a businessman for many years.He made a lot of money and he liked to buy modern,paintings.

At the age of 35 Gauguin decided to become a painter himself.Money had become too important to many people.Gauguin wanted to discover more important things about man.He went to a different Part of France to live with the farmers.He painted pictures of French country people there.Two years later he went to live in a small place in the Pacific Ocean,thousands of miles from France.He wanted to learn about the simple life there.His most famous and interesting paintings were painted at that time.


1.(★★★★★)It can be inferred that young mothers would try to keep their children away from the old because ________.

A.they feared their children might hurt the old

B.they didn’t like their children to take up the space belonging to the old

C.they felt it was wrong to play balls near where the old stayed

D.they didn’t want their children to have anything to do with the old


In spite of the strong opposition to new and stricter environmental laws,however,it is still possible to attack the problem of chemical pollution;but we must attack it from three directions.First,we need more independent research into the effects of chemicals by scientists who are not paid by the government or by the large industrial companies.Second,scientists need to educate the general public and inform them about the dangers of chemicals in the environment.If the public knows that a certain chemical threatens the health of their childen,then they will put pressure on politicians in local and national governments.If the politicians want to remain in office,they will take action to correct the situation.Third,economists need to educate governments about the long-term economic costs of chemicals.It will be extremely expensive to clean areas of land which are polluted by chemicals;it will be even more costly to give medical treatment to people who are suffering from serious illnesses after exposure to dangerous chemicals.If governments realize this,the short-term economic benefits of chemicals will seem much less attractive to them.

If we can put pressure on governments in these three ways,perhaps they will begin to behave more responsibly(有责任心地),and they will perhaps pass new laws against pollution and enforce them strictly.Perhaps,then,the chemical producers will begin to behave more responsibly.





I’m afraid to grow old-we’re all afraid .In fact, the fear of growing old is so great that every aged person is an insult(伤害)and a threat to society .They remind us of our own death,that our body won’t always remain smooth and responsive(敏感的), but will some day betray(暴露) us by aging. The ideal way to age would be to grow slowly invisible, gradually disappearing, without causing worry or discomfort to the young. In some ways that does happen. Sitting in a small park across from a nursing home one day, I noticed that young mothers and their children gathered on the “wrong” side, chasing(追逐) a ball or just trying to cover all the available space, the old people would lean forward and smile. But before any communication could be established(开始), the mother would come over, making embarrassed(尴尬) apologies, and take her child back to the “young” side.

Now, it seemed to me that the children didn’t feel any particular fear and the old people didn’t seem to be threatened by the children. The division of space was drawn by the mothers. And the mothers never looked at the old people who lined the other side of the park. These well dressed young women had a way of sliding(忽视) their eyes over, around, through the old people; they never looked at them directly. The old people may as well have been invisible, they offended(冒犯) the aesthetic(审美的) eye of the mothers.

My early experiences were somewhat different; since I grew up in a small town, my childhood had more of a nineteenth century flavor(特点). I knew a lot of old people, and considered some of their friends.






2.When I opened my e-mail the other day,a pretty woman named Rachel appeared on my computer screen.She greeted me by name and started talking with great enthusiasm(热情).Every now and then she stopped to smile at me or blow a kiss.She was reading to me an e-mail from my brother,and a lot of it was about the trouble he had getting the phone company to give him a high-speed Internet connection.It was pretty cool.

Rachel was there thanks to a new technology called Facemail.Facemail lets you send e-mail that gets read to the recipient(收件人) by an attractive male or female form or by a clown(小丑).The software,which is free,can be downloaded at .

Facemail faces are lifelike,and they simulate(模拟) emotions based on emotions-for example-that you put  in your text.Type in:-X,and Rachel blows a kiss.

Life FX,the company that develops the Facemail,is sure there are broad business uses.The reason e-business is not popular,the company says,is that buying over the Internet lacks the human touch.But what if you went to the Nike website and Michael Jordan greeted you by name,waited on you and personally closed the sale?And it is talking with Whirpool(惠尔普公司) about using the technology in a computer screen on a fridge.Then if Mom can’t be home when the kids get back from school,she can leave a note with voice and image telling them what there is to eat.

Facemail could get hot fast.Personally,I’m a fan.But Facemail should be used with care.The clown looks lively and funny at first.But if you select the clown,put a few rude words in an e-mail and add some angry emotions,you’ve got psychomail(疯人型电子邮件).

Question:We can infer from the passage that Facemail ________.

A.is likely to be used in other aspects(方面) of our daily life

destroy your e-mail if not properly used

be downloaded free of charge

D.will take the place of the e-mail system



解题方法与技巧:(1)准确理解题干的关键词汇“infer”,意为“推断出”,故所选答案不可以是文章所列事实,以此可排除C项。(2)准确理解B项含义:如果使用不当,Facemail会毁坏你的e-mail。在文章中找出相对应的语句:But if you select the clown,put a few rude words in an e-mail and add some angry emotions,you’ve got psychomail(疯人型电子邮件)。此句含义并非Facemail can destroy your e-mail。(3)根据尾段前两句话Facemail could get hot(流行) fast.Personally,I’m a fan,以及文章前部分对Facemail用途的描述,可得出答案。



