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2.A 考查动词辨析。glance匆匆看一眼。observe观察;glare怒视;stare凝视。


1.C 考查冠词。take action采取行动,是固定短语;第二空是特指,特指“行动带来的后果”。


15.The accident that resulted________the death of two passengers resulted________careless driving.

A.in;on              B.in;from

C.on;in              D.from;in


14.As far as I know,he began cycling to________his body after he resigned from the firm.

A.take up              B.put up

C.set up               D.build up


13.-Can you hit that bird with your gun,Tom?

-No!It is out of the________of my gun.

A.length               B.aim

C.distance                 D.range


12.________struck me________I would have an important meeting in Shanghai the next day.

A.It;which            B.What;that

C.What;which         D.It;that


11.She made it quite clear that she was no longer going to______my selfishness and moodiness.

A.put up with           B.depend on

C.care about            D.catch up with


10.-What are you going to do this afternoon?

-I’ll probably go for a walk later on________it stays fine.

A.as far as                 B.so long as

C.even if              D.as though


9.You have made a few mistakes in your composition but______,it’s well written.

A.first of all            B.on the whole

C.on the other hand       D.so far

