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32.--- The bridge    outside the school annoys the students awfully.

   --- Actually, we don’t know when it will be completed.

    A.to be built      B.to build        C.being built      D.having been built


31.United Nations urged the country to give up the nuclear plan    stability and peace.

    A.in exchange for                  B.in bid for

    C.in terms of                      D.in search of


30.The judges highly praised the two movies in Venice Film Festival,    are Chinese.

    A.their directors                   B.the directors of which

    C.who’s directors                   D.the directors of them


29.--- Tom, you get dead drunk again!

   ---    ? It’s none of your business.

    A.So what        B.How come      C.Why not        D.What for


28.Mr. Su is on his way to power with constant election    around the streets in Taipei.

    A.battles         B.campaigns      C.wars          D.fights


27.--- We thought he would have won the game.

   --- What a pity! He    too nervous when playing.

    A.had been       B.has been        C.was           D.would have been


26.We have been told that in no case    the telephone in the office for personal affairs.

    A.we may use     B.may we use     C.we use         D.use we


25.I wish Tiangong Space Lab, the first Chinese space station,    be a great success in 2011.

    A.will           B.might          C.must          D.would


24.They should consider the student’s request in the investigation last week    the school supermarket lower the price of the goods.

    A.where         B.when          C.which         D.that


23.In the ceremony, our headmaster required    students to improve our competitive awareness in modern society.

    A.we            B.us            C.our           D.ours

