0  399852  399860  399866  399870  399876  399878  399882  399888  399890  399896  399902  399906  399908  399912  399918  399920  399926  399930  399932  399936  399938  399942  399944  399946  399947  399948  399950  399951  399952  399954  399956  399960  399962  399966  399968  399972  399978  399980  399986  399990  399992  399996  400002  400008  400010  400016  400020  400022  400028  400032  400038  400046  447090 

3、His name was on the    of my tongue, but I just couldn’t remember it.

A、end      B、edge        C、tip      D、side


2、----Why did you refuse to move in the house?

----Because it was really in a poor and dirty    .

A、form     B、kind       C、shape     D、state


1、While he was investigating ways to improve the telescope, Newton made    discovery which completely changed man’s understanding of colour.

A、a;/      B、a; the       C、/;the     D、the; a


14、Before the final examination, many students have shown ____________of tension. Some have trouble sleeping while others have lost their appetite(胃口).

A、anxiety     B、marks       C、signs     D、remarks

1-----5BACDC   6----10BBAAB   11---14BADC



13、Some famous singers live on the   from their record sales.

A、salary     B、value       C、bill      D、income


12、How did you like the   of the interpreter(口译员)at the Chinese FM press conference of 6-part talks on TV?

A、performance   B、achievement    C、material    D、words


11、If you go by   train, you can have quite a comfortable journey, but make sure you get   fast one.

A、the; the    B、/;a     C、the; a      D、/;/


10、The head office of the bank is in Beijing, but it has    all over the country.

A、companies  B、branches   C、organizations   D、businesses


9、When you come here for your holiday next time, don’t go to      hotel; II can find you   bed in my flat.

A、the; a    B、the;/     C、a; the     D、a;/


8、Lightning is a  of electrical current from a cloud to the ground or from one cloud to another.

A、rush    B、rainbow   C、rack      D、ribbon

