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4. 只能使用价值个句子表达全部的内容。


第二讲 记叙文:如何叙事?
1. 严格按照基础写作的要求完成各个信息点,不要为了文章的生动而随意添加信息。
2. 信息点的表述不要完全按照题目所给的顺序,要适当重组信息点。
3. 记叙文写作的时态多数是用一般过去时,但也要注意灵活运用其它时态。
4. 叙事类记叙文的话题通常和中学生的生活阅历有关,如校园生活、旅游、交通、交友等,平时要注意积累这些方面的词汇和短语。
1. 表达时间
a long time ago, at six o’clock in the morning, at the end of, at the weekend,
before he came here, by the end of last term, during the summer holidays, in a few years’ time, in the past, in the old days, in the past ten years, in August 2002, in
winter vacation, in weekdays, last month, next week, on Sunday morning, on October 1st, since early in the 20th century, so far, up to now, not…until, while , etc.
2. 表达地点 
at the crossing, at the end of the street, at the airport, at the village, at the foot of the mountain, at the bottom, at the top of, be located in, behind the park, be
situated in, five kilometers to the north of Guangzhou, in the south of Guangdong
Province, in the middle of the park, in Class 3 Grade 2, in the front of the bus, in
front of the bus, in the tree, in Guangdong, in China, lies to the west of Sichuan, onthe other side of the street, on both sides of the road,on the east coast of the Pacific Ocean ,on the right, etc.
3. 表达因果
as, as a result, because, because of, for, in the end, cause, result in, consequently, originate from, since, so, therefore,  It is clear that… , It turns out to be… , The primary reason is … , etc.
4. 事件话题
be active in class, be interested in, be interesting to sb., be fond of, be good at ,be poor at , be tired of one’s work, be weak in, do one’s homework, do sports after
school,do well in; education for all-round development(素质教育), examination-oriented education system(应试教育), fail in the test, get a doctor’s degree, get on well with English, get an “A” in the exam, get 90 marks for English, give sb. a passing grade, have a good command of the language, have eight classes every day, help with each other, lay a good foundation in, learn…by heart, major in history, make friends with sb., make progress in, put one’s heart into, pass the examination, study in groups,
succeed in doing sth., take an active part in the activity,take several courses at school, work out a problem, work on a maths problem , work hard at, etc.
be friendly to sb., be kind to sb, be a strict teacher, be strict with one’s pupils, be strict in one’s work, be satisfied with , blame sb. for sth, correct the students’
homework carefully, devote all one’s time to work, form a good habit of, get on wellwith sb, give advice on, give sb a lot of work , help sb with sth, make one’s lessonslively and interesting, praise sb for sth., prepare for tomorrow’s lesson, question sb
on, teach sb. English , teach sb how to do sth., etc.
do some reading, enjoy a family trip, enjoy doing sth., go swimming, go for an outing, go to the cinema, have an outing at the seashore, have a swim, have dances on weekends, have a picnic at the weekend, have a party, hold a sports meeting,
Internet bar, net friend, online love affair(网恋), play the piano, play chess (basketball), see the sights of Beijing, spend one’s time in many different ways, teach in a
family, etc.
a big traffic jam, a traffic accident, be very crowded in the street, be seriously
injured, by bus (train / ship / boat), drive a car, flight No. 2130, in a small boat,
give sb. a lift, keep right, lie on the street, meet sb. at the station, on the bus (train),on board, on one’s way to London, on the journey, one way only , pick up sb., ride a bike, ride a horse , see sb. off at the airport, self-service ticket , take a flight to New York, traffic light, travel through China, turn right, etc.
New Year’s Day, Women’s Day, May Day, Youth Day, Children’s Day, Teachers’ Day, Mid-Autumn Day, National Day, valentine’s Day, the Spring Festival, a hot spot, a place of interest, a tourist destination, a five-star hotel, a good restaurant, a return ticket, a single ticket, a city with a long history, a quiet village, a three-day tour, an experienced guide, Beijing 2008 Olympic Games, beautiful scenery, in peak tourist
seasons, natural attraction, on one’s way to France, on the back way , one of the
great wonders of the world, spend one’s holidays on the sea , the 11th Asian Games, travel agency, the tour route, the inner-ring road, travel to England, the Great Wall , the Summer Place , Zhongshan Park , etc.
a good environment, area pollution, air pollution, air quality standard, Antarctic Circle, atmospheric chemistry, a heavy rain, a heavy snow, be polluted, be hot, be cold, be cool, be cloudy, be rainy, be sunny, be flooded, climate, carbon dioxide(CO2), chemical change, chemical cleaning of coal, climate change, dirty, drought, dry, flood, early warning system, environmental behavior, environmental quality, feel comfortable, global warming, minus 20 degrees centigrade(-20°), 30 degrees above zero(30°),sea level, warning center, wastes, water surface , water treatment, water pollution control, weather, windstorm , etc.
Dear Jane,
I am very glad to tell you something about our school, Guangdong No. 3 Middle school. It lies in a small town about 15 kilometres away from the sea and it has a history of over 80 years. Our school, covering an area of nearly 150 thousand square meters, has more than 200 teachers and 3000 senior students It has three teaching
buildings and six dormitory buildings, with many flowers and tall trees all around, so
it’s very beautiful. In our school we learn Chinese, maths, science, English, computer,PE, arts and some other subjects.
We warmly welcome you to visit our school in the summer holidays.
Best wishes.
Yours sincerely,
Li Hua
A brief Introduction of the Chinese Spring Festival
The Chinese Spring Festival comes on the first day of the Chinese Lunar Year, which is usually in February. There is a name for each year, such as the dog, the
monkey, the tiger or one of the twelve animals, and this year is the year of the pig.
Before the New Year’s Day, the Chinese people usually give their houses a good cleaning and on the last evening of the old year, all the members of a family will
get together and have a big meal. On the first or second day of the new year, peopleusually go to visit their relatives and friends and give some lucky money to children.
I wish you have a good time during the Spring Festival.
1.On July 27th 2007, Friday, we 18 classmates, including John from Britain, Sinba from India and Keith from the USA, went to Lee Farm to help the farmers. We
started off at 8 o’clock in the morning, and after an hour’s ride on the bus, we walked for another 15 minutes. Lee Farm is about 60 kilometres northwest to our school. A few days ago it was hit by a strong tornado, and many apples were blown onto
the ground, so we helped to pick up the apples and put the good ones in the baskets.We felt very tired after the work, but all of us thought it was a great help to the
2. Last Wednesday I gave a lecture about China’s culture and history to the 7th
students from 9-11:30 in the morning. This is the first time I gave a lesson, so I felt very nervous and great pressure. I presented for one and a half hours, introducing
from the dynasties in ancient times to the revolutionary in recent times, but I spent a lot more time on present China, the renovation, the open policy and the economic
development. In the following hour we exchanged ideas and had a good discussion,
but I was sorry to find that they knew little about China and raised a lot of strange questions. I think we need more cultural exchange of this kind, because we can get more practice and the foreign students can understand more about China.


            第三讲 如何写图表类说明文    一、写作指导  图表类作文一直是高考的热点,其体裁可以是记叙文、议论文或说明文。本篇介绍如何备考图表类说明文。  图表类说明文要求根据图示、表格等所给的信息,通过定义、描述、数字对比和分类比较等方式,介绍图表所显示对象的特征,如形状、构造、性质、变化、功能、因果和方位等。图表类说明文常见的话题有:产品介绍、地点描述、方位描写、观点对比、变化分析、购物指南和操作说明等。写作这类文章需注意以下几点:  1. 正确解读表格,不能添加或遗漏信息。  2. 写作内容要条理清楚,层次分明。说明科技方面的内容常用定义法、比较对比法、分类法和因果法等;说明自然环境方面的内容常用时空次序法与分类法等。  3. 说明文的语言要简练,用词要准确,避免夸张华丽的辞藻。  4. 时态常用一般现在时,语态常用被动语态,有时用虚拟语气。  二、常用句型  1. 介绍产品  The company has modern equipment and lots of senior experts.  This kind of product contains much top and new technique.  It’s convenient to carry and easy to operate.  It’s about six feet long and nine feet high.  It cost me 100 yuan to buy this dictionary.  2. 介绍学校  There were many subjects in our school, such as Chinese, history, drawing and so forth.  Our school is located at the foot of a green hill.  In the middle of the flower bed there is a fountain with many colored flowers around it.  In front of the school is a beautiful garden with a library on its left and a laboratory on its right.  At the back of the school are the students’ dormitory and the dinning-hall, in front of which lies the large sports field.  The teacher’s dormitory stands between the teaching building and the students’ dormitory.  3. 行路指引  It is not very difficult to find your way from the Dongfang Hotel to the railway station.  When you get out of the station, turn left and walk down the street until you see the traffic lights.  Turn right at the third turning, and you will see a post office at the corner.  Go eastward and you will see the museum opposite to the library.  Bus No.2 will take you right there.  It will take you about 10 minutes to get there by subway.  4. 介绍地方  Tiananmen Square, the largest square in the world, covers an area of one million square metres.  Guangzhou, the capital of Guangdong Province, lies in the south of China.  It has an area of 10,000 square kilometers with a population of over 2 million.  It is rich in natural sources, such as coal, oil and gold.  The weather is neither too cold in winter nor too hot in summer.  Built in the18th century, the tower has witnessed too much coming and going in history.  5. 新旧对比  Our hometown used to be a beautiful place, with thick trees and green grass everywhere.  Nowadays some students cannot go to college because of high tuition fees.  Great changes have taken place in the past few years.  It is known to us all that the living standard of the Chinese people has greatly improved.
In the last decades, advances in medical technology have made it possible for people to live longer than in the past.  These days, people in growing numbers are beginning to complain that work is more stressful and less leisurely than in the past.  6. 数量表达  Output is up 30% last year.  Unemployment more than doubled in 1996.  The population here is increasing year by year.  According to a recent survey, four million people die each year from diseases linked to smoking.  From the table we can see that the world population is increasing rapidly.    The latest survey shows that quite a few children have unpleasant associations with homework.  An investigation shows that many emigrants think that working at city provides them with not only a higher salary but also the opportunity of learning new skills.  Statistics show a 20% rise (reduction) in traffic accidents compared with last year.  Bicycle can’t be compared with other means of transportation like car and train for speed and comfort.    三、实例分析    [例文1]父母为子女选择小学的情况调查  最近学校研究性学习小组对3000多名年轻的父母做了一个调查,调查主题、结果等内容如下表所示,请用英文给校英文广播站写一篇简介,介绍调查的情况。  写作要求:  1. 简介必须包括图表所给的全部内容;  2. 只能使用5个句子。    参考范文:  Recently a survey was done to investigate what parents care most in choosing primary schools. The survey shows that location is the key factor in choosing schools for their children-half of those interviewed said that being close to their homes was the most important factor in their choice.  Teaching quality came second, with nearly 40% of the parents worrying about their children’s future career. The survey also shows that one-tenth of them expect that schools have advanced facilities.  More than 3,000 parents were surveyed in the research.  [例文 2]楼盘介绍  假设暑假你到某楼盘打工,正好有几名外国客人想买一套公寓楼,公寓楼及其周边的一些基本信息如下。请书面用英文向这几位客人介绍一下这套公寓楼。  写作要求:  1. 简介必须包括图表所给的全部内容;  2. 只能使用5个句子。  3. 参考词汇:公寓楼 apartment 公寓单间 flat    参考范文:  The flat has 110 square metres, with one sitting-room, three bedrooms, one bathroom and one kitchen. Facing south, it is quite bright in the rooms at daytime. Not far away from the apartment there is a supermarket, a clinic, a kindergarten and a bus-stop. The bus can access the subway directly. The price for the flat is about 6000RMB per square metre.    四、即时训练
 [练习1]简介我国高等教育的发展情况  假设你在政府部门见习,请根据以下图标的信息,向几位到访外国客人询问你所在城市的教育发Z展情况。  写作要求:  1. 简介必须包括图标所给的全部内容;  2. 只能使用5个句子。  3. 参考词汇:打基础 lay foundation   改革开放 reform and opening up
[练习2]中学生使用媒体情况调查  假设你参加了一个网上国际中学生调查项目,调查13-20岁的年青人每周使用媒体的时间情况。请根据下面的图表信息,用英文写一篇简介。  写作要求:  1. 简介必须包括图标所给的全部内容;  2. 只能使用5个句子。  参考范文  练习1  As we can see from the chart, our city’s education is developing very fast. There were only about one thousand students when New China was founded in 1949, and ten thousand in 1978, while the number reached eighty thousand in 2007.  Several factors have contributed to the quick development. Firstly, the rapid economic development in our city, especially during the thirty years of reform and opening up, has laid a sound foundation. Secondly, the government has been trying hard to encourage the development of education, and thirdly, most people have begun to realize the importance of education.  练习2  Recently we did a surway about media consumption by teens and young adults in their spare time. According to the research, teens and young adults consume many different types of media, but the Internet surpasses them all in the amount of time spent. Most of the students spend ten hours in an average week, and watching TV comes second, with five hours. The other ways of time spent are as follows: four hours reading newspapers and magazines, three hours talking on the phone and two hours listening to the radio. It’s a pity that they only spend one hour in reviewing textbooks in their free time.


3. 短文不能写成诗歌形式。


2. 必须突出短诗的主题,结构完整,语意连贯。



(1)泉州位于福建省东南沿海,面临     海峡。

(2)读图,半小时城市群指以三个市直辖区为中心,包括     区、    县、    市、    市及石狮市。

“水环境污染是泉州市面临的最主要环境问题之一。 根据监测结果,主要污染来源是流域内的工业和城镇生活污染源和来自农业的化肥污染源及港口船舶油污染。”          

COD即化学耗氧量,是我国实施排 放总量控制的指标之一。




结合实际,请说出改善泉州水污染 的有效方法:        





(1)海西经济区是指台湾海峡西岸,以      省为主体,包括浙江省南部、广东东部和      省东南部地区,与珠江三角洲和长江三角洲两个经济区衔接。其中,浙江省的行政中心是    

(2)A是      山脉,B是      海。



(4)广州的工业部门主要有          等。可见,珠江三角洲是一个以     (轻/重)为主的 工业基地。

(5)读材料,说说珠江三角洲城市化进程中存在的问题          。(2分)






(1)如图,引黄灌溉所形成的三大灌区分布在        省和      省及宁蒙地区。

(2)A为      山脉,该山脉以西的地形区是      ,它也是我国地势第   级和第二级阶梯的分界之一。



(4)小强明显地感觉到拉萨比郑州气温低,这种差异主要是      因素影响造成的。

(5)小强所乘铁路线沿陇海线、      线到达拉萨。

(6)下列景观,可能是小强沿途所见的是(    )和(    ):





(7)细读材料,请你写出解决黄河断流的有效措施                               。(2分)



(1)图中A是     洲,它与非洲的分界线是B    运河。C是    洋。

(2)我护航舰队需经过的重要水上通道D是            海峡,它是沟通   洋和    洋的重要水上通道。

(3)从图中可以看出,亚丁湾位于东西半球中的   半球,属于五带中的   带,气温特点是    。某日,我护航舰队位于图中E点,该点的经纬度位置是:      

(4)图中F点是波斯湾,该地区有丰富的      矿产资源。



热带草原气候    热带雨林气候

(1)墨西哥位于   半球(东或西),西临    洋,北边与  国相临。非洲西临    洋。

(2)当3月份墨西哥疫情爆发时,此时墨西哥的季节是     季,非洲南部A地的季节是    季,造成这一现象的原因是           。(2分)

(3)墨西哥和非洲都有热带雨林气候和热带草原气候,这两种气候的共同点是    ,不同点是     

(4)图C是沿赤道的非洲地形剖面图,从图中可以看出其地形以为      主,地势特征是     

(5)以下四副图中,属于非洲的有    图和    图。

    A           B          C         D

