0  400242  400250  400256  400260  400266  400268  400272  400278  400280  400286  400292  400296  400298  400302  400308  400310  400316  400320  400322  400326  400328  400332  400334  400336  400337  400338  400340  400341  400342  400344  400346  400350  400352  400356  400358  400362  400368  400370  400376  400380  400382  400386  400392  400398  400400  400406  400410  400412  400418  400422  400428  400436  447090 

3、   snacks and drinks,but they also brought cards for entertainment when they had a picnic in the forest.

A、Not only they brought   B、Not only did they bring

C、Not only brought they   D、Not only they did bring


2、The women carrying babies,come in first,   ?

A、will you  B、will they  C、don’t they   D、don’t you


1、Was it in this house   you were born?

A、which   B、where   C、that    D、in which


15、The new bridge,when   ,will greatly benefit the development of this area.

A、completes  B、completing   C、completed   D、to be completed

1-----5BBBDC  6----10CBCBB    11----15CBCAC



14、The boy wanted to ride his bicycle in the busy street,but his mother told him    .

A、not to    B、not to do  C、not do it     D、do not to


13、I don’t think she had a good time there this summer,    ?

A、do I     B、had she   C、did she     D、didn’t she


12、It is the ability to do the job   matters not where you come from or what you are.

A、one      B、that    C、what     D、it


11、----I can’t find Mr White.Where did you meet him this morning?

----It was in the office   he worked.

A、when     B、that    C、where     D、which


10、If you are to give a party in your own home,then it must be done perfectly or    .

A、above all     B、not at all     C、after all      D、not in the least


9、This new book is designed to help you.In no way   to make your life more difficult or less fun.

A、does it mean   B、is it intended   C、it can intend    D、it means

