0  401094  401102  401108  401112  401118  401120  401124  401130  401132  401138  401144  401148  401150  401154  401160  401162  401168  401172  401174  401178  401180  401184  401186  401188  401189  401190  401192  401193  401194  401196  401198  401202  401204  401208  401210  401214  401220  401222  401228  401232  401234  401238  401244  401250  401252  401258  401262  401264  401270  401274  401280  401288  447090 

35.Which sign means “No Photos”?

     A.     B.   C.    


34.- I’m a teenager’s mother. Sometimes I don’t know _________.

   - Love and understanding.

 A. why my son gets angry very often   B. what does my son want to get

C. what my son needs most    


33.Look, Simon, ______ Walkman that I bought last year isn't working properly.

A. a            B. 不填         C. the         


32.- I wonder _________ she will be able to come back from Hong Kong?

- Maybe tomorrow morning.

 A. when          B. where          C. how


31.The teacher told the boys ________ in the street.

A. not play        B. not to play     C. don’t play  


30.-Where can’t you see the sign“Business Hours 8∶00-18∶00”?

 - ________.

 A. In a school         B. In a shop       C. In a bank 

