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The Problem of‘Three Merits Student’

Professor Wang suggests abolishing the system of‘Three Merits Student’.





The Problem of  ‘Three Merits Student’

Professor Wang suggests abolishing the system of 'Three Merits Student'. Many schools pay close attention to students' academic achievements when they elect Three Merits Students. They ignore students' other abilities. In order to become Three Merits Students, a lot of students spend much time on study. Therefore ,they have no time for rest and sports, which greatly affects students' health.

   Many people agree with him.They think it is wrong to elect the Three Merits Students in the original way for it can't completely represent the all qualities of the students. It is sided. Besides, their self-esteem is seriously hurt.

   On the other hand, there are still a great many people who hold opposite opinions. They think it is an encouragement for the students because study is the most important task to the students.

   As far as I'm concerned, schools may elect the best student, but the standard had better be improved. We should praise those students who do well in every aspect in their school life including study, morality, sports and so on.

Passage 15



参考词汇:改革开放the reform and opening – up



It is 30 years since China carried out the reform and opening up. Great changes have taken place and each part of China can give a clear sign of the rapid development and advance in today’s China.

Take people’s communication for example. In the past, our grandpas had to ask someone who could write for help when they wanted to contact their relatives or friends. As for our fathers, they kept in touch with each other by writing letters by themselves. With the development of science and technology, we can communicate with each other anytime and anywhere by mobile phone.

As a new generation, we are so lucky living in the new century. We’re proud of our country and its achievements. So we should cherish the happiness of today’s life. Meanwhile, we should put more effort and make more contributions to our beloved motherland. We believe she will become stronger and stronger.

Passage 16




    参考词汇:一次性木筷 disposable chopsiticks



It is common to see disposable chopsticks used in restaurants. Many people like to use them because they think it is convenient to use them and they are clean.

As a matter of fact, they bring us more disadvantages than advantages. To begin with, it is a waste of wood. It is reported that a large quantity of trees are cut down to make chopsticks in our country every year, doing harm to the environment . Besides, disposable chopsticks are not clean at all because they are roughly made by small factories. So I think we should stop using them. The government should take action to prevent factories from producing such chopsticks and pay more attention to forest conservation.

Passage 17






2. 可适当增加细节,以使行文连贯

Mrs. Wang decided to make a trip to Beijing. When she told her son about her decision, he was so overjoyed that he jumped up and down. They began to pack their luggage. When the day came, the son became worried, for nobody would take care of his flower. It would die if it was not watered. Suddenly a good idea came to his mind. “Mum,” he said to his mother, “We can use a piece of cloth to take care of the flower.” He showed his mother what he meant by putting one end of the cloth into the basin, full of water, and other end into the flowerpot.

Five days later, when they came back from Beijing, the flower was still alive and even started to blossom.

Passage 14


王教授认为如今中小学“三好生”的评选存在只重视学习成绩的现象。为了做“三好生”,学生把大量的时间花在学习上,没有时间休息和进行体育活动,这不利于学生的身心健康,因此,他建议在中小学废除“三好生”评选制度,此举引发很大争议。请根据漫画的内容和你对这种现象的认识,用英语写一篇题为“The problems of 'Three Merits Student'”的短文。



1. 文章要包括六幅图中所有要点。


3. 可根据需要补充与文章有关的信息。


建议:  ◇ 节电:确保走前关掉电器设备

◇ 节水:及时关闭水龙头

◇ 省纸:试卷双面打印

◇ 提高节能意识


Dear teachers and students,

Our government is trying hard to promote scientific development. It is everybody’s duty to work hard and reach this goal.


Students’ Union


Dear teachers and students,

Our government is trying hard to promote scientific development. It is everybody’s duty to work hard and reach this goal.

However, not everybody has realized the importance of it. Take our school for example. Sometimes we can see that lights and computers are still on after class. Some students even forget to turn off the tap after using it and have water running all the time. Our papers are printed on only one side, causing much waste.

It’s time we did something to avoid this kind of waste. Firstly, make sure that all the lights and other electric facilities are turned off when we leave the rooms. Try to form the habit of turning off the tap immediately after using it. What’s more, papers should be printed on both sides and reused if possible.

In a word, if everybody has the awareness of reducing the waste and takes action, we can contribute to our society.

Students’ Union

Passage 13





2. 字数不少于50。






In the pictures above, an ant tries in vain to move a worm. The ant turns to a few more ants but they can only lift part of the worm. Finally, more ants come and with joint efforts, they manage' to lift the worm and carry it to their home happily.

These pictures remind me of the importance of cooperation. In our daily life, many jobs require good teamwork between members of staff. Thus the ability to cooperate has become one of the most highly valued qualities in modem society. Only when all members of a group are aware of their own roles, respect and support each other can the goal be achieved. Teamwork in turn benefits every member. So let's join hands to achieve success.

Passage 12



注意:1. 开头、结尾已为你写好,不计入总数。



