0  401185  401193  401199  401203  401209  401211  401215  401221  401223  401229  401235  401239  401241  401245  401251  401253  401259  401263  401265  401269  401271  401275  401277  401279  401280  401281  401283  401284  401285  401287  401289  401293  401295  401299  401301  401305  401311  401313  401319  401323  401325  401329  401335  401341  401343  401349  401353  401355  401361  401365  401371  401379  447090 

9.如图4所示,在将磁铁插入铜质漆包线绕制的线圈的过程中,电流表的指针会摆动. 这个现象所反映的物理原理,在下列电气设备中得到应用的是(    )

A.电磁起重机         B.发电机 

C.电动机           D.电磁继电器


8.眼睛是心灵的窗户. 关于眼睛及其视力矫正,下列说法正确的是    (   )






7.雨的形成是与自然界中水循环相关的复杂过程. 地球上的水升腾到高空变成水滴,成为云

的主要组成部分. 当满足一定条件时,云中的水滴先后要经历转变为水蒸气、小冰晶等过

程,才能形成雨落向地面. 那么,从云中的水滴到降雨的过程中,水先后经历的物态变化是(  )

A.液化、汽化、凝固          B.升华、凝华、熔化

C.汽化、凝华、熔化          D.液化、凝固、熔化


6.将适量的橡皮泥捏黏在铅笔的一端(能使铅笔竖直浮在液体中),这就制成了一个很有用的土仪器. 将它分别放到盛有不同液体的杯中,静止时的情景如图3所示. 对于这个土仪器所运用的知识或用途,下列说法中不正确的是(    )






5.在日常生活中,我们常有下列一些经历或体验. 其中,与物理学中所说的惯性有关的是(   )






4.超声波是人耳听不见的声音,但它有着广泛的应用. 在下列设备中,利用超声波工作的是(   )

A.验钞机    B.微波炉   C.电视遥控器    D.潜艇上的声呐系统


3.人体的运动系统相当复杂,但最基本的运动形式是,骨骼在肌肉提供的动力作用下绕关节转动. 如图2所示是手端起茶杯的情景,其前臂骨骼相当于杠杆,肱二头肌收缩提供动力. 由图可以看出,这是一个(   )

A.费力、省距离的杠杆       B.省力、费距离的杠杆

C.既费力,也费距离的杠杆     D.既省力,也省距离的杠杆


2.在新型飞机研制中,将飞机放在风洞中固定不动,让模拟气流迎面吹来,便可以模拟空中的飞行情况. 此时,机舱里的飞行员感觉飞机在飞行,则他所选的参照物是(  )      

A.飞机    B.模拟气流   C.地面   D.他本人


1.如图1展示了日常生活或生产技术中的四种情境,其中哪种情境运用了增大压强的知识?(  )



3、提示语: snacks 各种零食

A healthy diet and regular exercise may help to prevent obesity(肥胖) among children, take Li Ming for example.

Li Ming used to be a healthy boy, but





A healthy diet and regular exercise may help to prevent obesity among children. Take Li Ming for example.

Li Ming used to be a healthy boy. But over a year ago, he got into the habit of eating a lot of junk food and snacks. Besides, he spent a lot of time lying on the sofa, watching TV, and did little exercise. As a result, he put on so much weight that he found it difficult to climb the stairs.

So Li Ming decided to change the unhealthy life style. He began to have a balanced, healthy diet. He also took part in various sports activities such as swimming, skating, running and playing basketball. Months later, Li Ming became as fit as before.

Passage 50



You are living in the Rose Residential Area (居住小区), which is newly-built and not very large. Yet, as the picture shows below, at the back of the residential area is a large empty space. People living here are always giving their ideas about how to use it.

Now you describe WHAT should be done with it and tell WHY as well.


Generally speaking, the Rose Residential Area is a comfortable place with the necessary facilities, including a primary school and parking lots. Yet it’s a pity that it lacks some green spaces. So in my opinion, we should build a garden there in the empty space at the back, with various trees and bushes, flowers and plants, and even fountains. Then we can build paths in the garden, on either side of which can be benches. And at one end of it, we can build a small playground, where we can do some sports.

By the time everything is done, we can spend time there enjoying much of nature. We can walk and play there to relax after a day’s work.

In addition, with the garden well planned and designed, we can also learn about plants and gardening.

I hope my dream will come true and we will surely have more perfect conditions and surroundings.

