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39. I hate __________ when people talk with their mouths full.

A. it           B. that     C. those            D. them


38. If they __________ earlier than expected, they __________ here now.

A. had started, would be             B. started, might be

C. had started, would have been         D. will start, might have been


37. It was about 600 years ago__________ the first clock with face and an hour hand was made.

A. that              B. until        C. before               D. when


36. __________ it __________ for your help, I couldn’t have made any progress. A. Had ; not been B. Should; not been  C. Did; not       D. Were; not


35.-I’d like to find a job in the library. -- Good idea, __________ it doesn’t affect your studies.

A. unless         B. as long as        C. now that         D. even if


34. He suggested that we __________ the plan later, which suggested that he __________ against it.

A. discussed; was               B. would discuss; should be        

C. discuss; was                     D. should discuss; should be


33. Finding her car stolen, __________.

A. a police was asked to help         B. the area was searched thoroughly

C. it was looked for everywhere         D. she hurried to a police for help


32.We would not allow her __________ across the enemy line.

A. to risk going    B. risking to go   C. to risk to go     D. risk going


31.The employees could not __________ the pressure of the work, so they chose to leave the company. A. give up         B. put up with      C. keep away from      D. make up for


30. If you happen to __________ my lost novel while you are searching for you book, please let me know at once by telephone. A. come out         B. come up     C. come across         D. come about

