0  402531  402539  402545  402549  402555  402557  402561  402567  402569  402575  402581  402585  402587  402591  402597  402599  402605  402609  402611  402615  402617  402621  402623  402625  402626  402627  402629  402630  402631  402633  402635  402639  402641  402645  402647  402651  402657  402659  402665  402669  402671  402675  402681  402687  402689  402695  402699  402701  402707  402711  402717  402725  447090 

27、The police have ____ power to deal with such matters by ____ law.

A、the; the  B、不填;不填 C、不填;the  D、the;不填


26、Listen! His family must be quarrelling, ____?

A、mustn’t it   B、isn’t it  C、aren’t they   D、needn’t they


25、The little girl couldn’t work the problem out. She wasn’t ____ clever.

A、that  B、much  C、enough D、too


24、I have no one ____ me, for I am a new comer here.

A、help  B、helping   C、to help   D、to have helped


23、The engineers made two big plans for the dam, ____ was never put in force.

A、one of them   B、which C、one of which   D、every one of which


22、--What do you think of the concert?

   --I really enjoy it. I didn’t expect it was ____ wonderful.

A、as   B、more  C、most  D、very


21、--Tom, you are caught late again.

   --Oh, ____.

A、not at all B、just my luck   C、never mind D、that’s all right


20、____ the temperature might drop, coal was prepared for warming.

A、To consider   B、Considered C、Considering   D、To be considered


19、--We must thank you for taking the trouble to cook us a meal.


A、With pleasure  B、It doesn’t matter  C、It was no trouble at all D、By all means


18、--Do you mind if I smoke?


A、Why not?  B、Yes, help yourself  C、Go ahead  D、Yes, but you’d better not

