0  402541  402549  402555  402559  402565  402567  402571  402577  402579  402585  402591  402595  402597  402601  402607  402609  402615  402619  402621  402625  402627  402631  402633  402635  402636  402637  402639  402640  402641  402643  402645  402649  402651  402655  402657  402661  402667  402669  402675  402679  402681  402685  402691  402697  402699  402705  402709  402711  402717  402721  402727  402735  447090 

127、____ nearly all behavior is learned behavior is a basic assumption of social scientists.

A、/ B、That  C、It is acceptable   D、When


126、I know the man by ____ but I have never spoken to him.

A、chance B、heart C、sight D、experience


125、My command of English is not ____ yours.

A、as half as B、so half good as C、good as half as D、half so good as


124、The generous donation from China to the sufferers in the killing Indian Ocean Quake-tsunami has ____ the Chinese people’s unselfishness and internationalism.

A、let out   B、brought out   C、given out  D、taken out


123、Parents are advised to take pressure ____ a child and give him some encouragement before an exam.

A、off  B、out  C、from  D、away


122、--Do you have anything in mind ____ you’d like for supper?

   --Well, ____ is okay with me.

A、that; anything  B、which; everything  C、what; whatever  D、where; something


121、--Tomorrow ____ my birthday. I’d like you and Jane to come. --I’m not sure if she ____ free.

A、will be; is   B、is going to; is C、is; is D、is; will be


120、Women have ____ equal say in affairs at home.

A、any  B、some  C、/ D、an


119、I haven’t read ____ of his books, but judging from the one I have read I think he’s a very promising writer.

A、any   B、none  C、both  D、either


118、She felt sorry that she had disturbed the ____ calmness of a man she respected.

A、regular   B、curious   C、usual D、various

