0  403480  403488  403494  403498  403504  403506  403510  403516  403518  403524  403530  403534  403536  403540  403546  403548  403554  403558  403560  403564  403566  403570  403572  403574  403575  403576  403578  403579  403580  403582  403584  403588  403590  403594  403596  403600  403606  403608  403614  403618  403620  403624  403630  403636  403638  403644  403648  403650  403656  403660  403666  403674  447090 

32.To celebrate her mother’s birthday, she prepared ______ drink and cakes, sharing with neighbours.

     A.a large number of                B.a great deal of 

    C.a large quantity of                D.a great many


31.The bus drew up______ the road to pick up an old man.

    A.alongside      B.amidst        C.beyond       D.in front of


30.I _____banning trucks in the city centre because it will reduce air pollution and noise.

    A.assist         B.advocate      C.admit        D.oppose


29.-Where are you going for the summer vacation?

-I don’t mind where we get ______there’s sun, sea and beach.

    A.as if           B.so long as       C.now that        D.in order that


28.It feels quite _______to take a bath after work. In other words, you will be ______.

    A.refreshed ; relaxed               B.refreshing ;relaxing   

    C.refreshed ; relaxing               D.refreshing ; relaxed  


27.-Would you like something about my foreign teacher?

   -Oh, I remember _____ about her yesterday.

  A.telling          B.being told       C.to tell          D.having told


26.They help and understand each other and never quarrel, thus creating a(n)_______ relationship.

    A.automatic       B.unique         C.anxious         D.steady


25.There is a growing ______for people to work at home instead of in offices.

     A.tendency      B.aim          C.intention      D.situation


24.-So can I ask you a few personal questions?

-No problem. I like ________ when people are open and direct.

    A.that          B.this           C.it            D.them


23.From the teacher’s patience and understanding, I have learnt what a big responsibility ______is to educate us.

  A.this          B.that           C.it            D.one

