0  403481  403489  403495  403499  403505  403507  403511  403517  403519  403525  403531  403535  403537  403541  403547  403549  403555  403559  403561  403565  403567  403571  403573  403575  403576  403577  403579  403580  403581  403583  403585  403589  403591  403595  403597  403601  403607  403609  403615  403619  403621  403625  403631  403637  403639  403645  403649  403651  403657  403661  403667  403675  447090 

35.The average cost of a new house per square meter has _____ by 5% to ₤4000.

    A.sent up        B.come up      C.gone up       D.risen up


34.He's a good teacher, but his inappropriate manner does tend ______ people.

    A.to annoy       B.annoying      C.annoy       D.to annoying


33.She kept_____ playing computer games the whole time, which resulted ____her failure in the exam.

     A.up; from      B.on; from      C.up; in        D.on; in

