0  403561  403569  403575  403579  403585  403587  403591  403597  403599  403605  403611  403615  403617  403621  403627  403629  403635  403639  403641  403645  403647  403651  403653  403655  403656  403657  403659  403660  403661  403663  403665  403669  403671  403675  403677  403681  403687  403689  403695  403699  403701  403705  403711  403717  403719  403725  403729  403731  403737  403741  403747  403755  447090 

6、The English Channel, also known as    CCTV-9,provides English viewers both in China and     rest of the world with news and some other special programs 24 hours a day.

A、the; the  B、the;/      C、/;/      D、/;the


5、The most important thing about cotton in history is________part that it played in    _________Industrial Revolution.

A、/;/    B、the;/      C、the; the    D、a; the


4、His honesty is    and nobody ever doubts it.

A、beyond question   B、out of the question   

C、in question  D、beside the question


3、----who came out    first in the London Marathon?

----Michael. He’s always    first to reach the line.

A、the; the   B、/;/      C、/;the    D、the;/


2、A thief is a danger to     .

A、society   B、the society   C、societies  D、a society


1、For a long time they walked without saying   word. Jim was the first to break  silence.

A、the; a   B、a; the    C、a;/      D、the;/


15、It is_______world of wonders,__________world where anything can happen.

A、a; the   B、a; a     C、the; a      D、/;/

1-----5BCBDC  6---10CABCD  11-15DAADB



14、The environmentalists said wild goats’___________on the vast grasslands was a good indication of the better environment.

A、escape   B、absence   C、attendance   D、appearance


13、Housewives who do not go out to work often feel they are not working to their full    .

A、capacity  B、strength   C、length   D、possibility


12、To qualify, you must have   good knowledge of   chemistry.

A、a;/    B、a; the    C、the; the   D、/;/

