0  403564  403572  403578  403582  403588  403590  403594  403600  403602  403608  403614  403618  403620  403624  403630  403632  403638  403642  403644  403648  403650  403654  403656  403658  403659  403660  403662  403663  403664  403666  403668  403672  403674  403678  403680  403684  403690  403692  403698  403702  403704  403708  403714  403720  403722  403728  403732  403734  403740  403744  403750  403758  447090 

7、In a time of social reform(改革),people’s state of mind tends to keep   with the rapid changes of the society.

A、step    B、pace     C、progress   D、touch


6、On May 5,2005,at    World Table Tennis Championship, Kong Linghui and Wang Hao won the gold medal in men’s doubles with    score of 4:1.

A、a; a     B、/;the    C、a;/     D、the; a


5、As a result of the heavy snow, the highway has been closed up until further    .

A、news    B、information     C、notice    D、message


4、We’ll have PE this afternoon but I forgot to bring my   . 

A、sports clothes   B、sport clothes   C、clothes of sports   D、sport’s clothes


3、His name was on the    of my tongue, but I just couldn’t remember it.

A、end      B、edge       C、tip      D、side


2、----Why did you refuse to move in the house?

----Because it was really in a poor and dirty    .

A、form     B、kind       C、shape     D、state


1、While he was investigating ways to improve the telescope, Newton made    discovery which completely changed man’s understanding of colour.

A、a;/      B、a; the       C、/;the     D、the; a


14、Before the final examination, many students have shown ____________of tension. Some have trouble sleeping while others have lost their appetite(胃口).

A、anxiety     B、marks       C、signs     D、remarks

1-----5BACDC   6----10BBAAB   11---14BADC



13、Some famous singers live on the   from their record sales.

A、salary     B、value       C、bill      D、income


12、How did you like the   of the interpreter(口译员)at the Chinese FM press conference of 6-part talks on TV?

A、performance   B、achievement    C、material    D、words

