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9. custom, habit

  (1) custom 指传统风俗、习俗,也可指生活习惯,后接不定式。They broke some of the old customs. / It is the custom in China to eat dumplings during the spring Festival.

  (2) habit 指个人生活习惯。“(有)养成……习惯”常

  用be in / fall into / get into / form / have the habit of doing sth. 句型;“戒掉……习惯”常用 give up / kick / break away from / get out of the habit of doing sth. 句型。It's easy to get into a bad habit but its hard to give it up. / The drug easily get one into the habit of smoking.


8. too much, much too

  (1) too much “太多”之意,可以作形容词,修饰不可数  名词,也可作副词,修饰动词。 There is too much rain here in spring. / She talked too much at the meeting.

  (2) much too “简直太,过于”,只能作副词,用来修饰  形容词或别的副词,不能修饰动词。This book is much too difficult for me. / The old man walks much too slowly.


7. call for, call on, call up

  (1) call for

  ① 来找(某人);来取(某物) I'll call for you at your house.

  ②要求;需要Success in school calls for much hard work.

  (2) call on

  ① call on / upon sb. 拜访;去会(某人) I hope to call on you at your office at 3 o’clock today.

  ② call on / upon sb. to do sth. 请/叫某人做某事He called upon me to speak immediately.

 ③ 号召;呼吁;要求 The President called on his people to serve the country.

  (3) call up

  ① 给……打电话 (英 ring up) I tried to call you up last night, but no one answered the phone.

  ② 征召入役;调用 (后备部队) Three boys in our street were called up last week.


6. take off, take down, take in, take on, take up

  (1) take off

  ① (飞机)起飞 A helicopter is able to take off and land straight up or down.

  ② 脱下(衣裳等);取下 He took off his wet shoes. / Who took the knob off the door?

  ③ 休假;请假;歇工 When his wife was sick he took off from work.

  ④ (指观念、产品) 大受欢迎;(事业)突然发达,成功The new type of cell phones has really taken off. / His business began to take off when he was in his forties.

  (2) take down

  ① 拿下来;取下来 He reached up to the third shelf of the bookcase and took down a dictionary.

  ② 记下来 He read out the names and his secretary took them down.

  (3) take in

  ① 接受 (房客,客人等);收留 The farmers took in the lost travelers for the night.

  ② 理解;领会;明白 The boys could not take in his meaning.

  ③包括;涉及 The study of physics takes in many different subjects.

  ④使上当;欺骗We were completely taken in by her story.

  (4) take on

  ① 接受;从事(某工作) After his father died, Bill took on the management of the factory.

  ② 雇用Is the supermarket taking on any more assis- tant?

  ③ 具有(新面貌、意思等) The city has taken on a new look.

  (5) take up

  ① 从事某项活动;发展某种爱好 So many young men want to take up writing.

  ② 开始做(某项工作);开始学习(某个课程) Then she took up the task of getting the breakfast. / He dropped medicine and took up physics.

  ③ 占去 (时间或空间) The meeting took up the whole morning. / The table takes up too much room.

  ④ 接受I'd like to take up your offer of a ride into town.


5. live, living, alive, lively

  (1) live adj.

  ① 活的;活生生的;(只修饰生物;只作前置定语) The laboratory is doing experiments with several live monkeys.

  ② 实况直播的 (不是录音)It wasn't a recorded show. It was live.

  ③ 带电的;燃着的;可爆炸的 This is a live wire.

  (2) living adj. 活着的,有生命的(作表语或定语) She was, he thought, the best living novelist in England. / The old man is still living. (或alive)

  (3) alive adj. ① 活着的;② 有活力的;有生气

作后置定语:Who's the greatest man alive?

  作表语:Was the snake alive or dead? / My grandmother is more alive than a lot of young people.

  作补语:Let's keep the fish alive.

  (4) lively adj. 活泼的;有生气的;活跃的(作表语或定语) The music is bright and lively.


4. be afraid, be afraid to do sth., be afraid of (doing) sth.

  (1) be afraid 意为“担心,害怕”,多用于口语,常用来表示一种歉意,或遗憾,后可接 so 或 not,也可接 that 从句。I'm afraid (that) 其语意相当于 I'm sorry, but...。

  -- Are we on time? 我们准时吗? -- I'm afraid not. 恐怕不准时。I'm afraid you'll get caught in the rain.

  (2) be afraid to do sth 常表示“由于胆小而不敢做某事”。She is afraid to be here alone. / He is afraid to jump into the river from the bridge.

  (3) be afraid of (doing) sth. 常表示“担心或害怕某事(发生)”。I was afraid of hurting her feelings.


3. by sea, by the sea, in the sea, on the sea, at sea

  (1) by sea “走海路,乘船”,用来表示交通方式,同 by ship 同义。 These heavy boxes should be sent by sea.

  (2) by the sea “在海边”,相当于 by (at) the seaside。The children enjoyed themselves by the sea on Children's Day.

  (3) in the sea “在海里,在海水中” There are many plants and animals in the sea.

  (4) on the sea “在海面上”,“在海岸边”。I want to live in a town with a beautiful position on the sea.

  (5) at sea 在海上;在航海 When he woke up, the ship was at sea.


2. in the end, finally, at last


finally 一般用在句中动词前面,而 at last 与 in the end 的位置则较为灵活;

三者中at last 语气最为强烈,且可单独作为感叹句使用。After putting it off three times, we finally managed to have a holiday in Dalian. / At last he knew the meaning of life. / At last! Where on earth have you been? / But in the end he gave in.

  另外,finally还可用在列举事项时,引出最后一个内容,相当于lastly。 Firstly, we should make a plan; secondly, we should carry it out; finally we should make a conclu- sion.


1. win, beat, defeat  表示获胜、取胜的词语

  (1) win v. 赢……,获胜,接比赛或奖项 win a game / a prize / an honor / a race. / Our team won the game 8 to 7. / He won by five points. / He won her love at last. / He won the first place in the competition.

  (2) beat + 对手,表打败(尤指体育比赛)  I can easily beat him at golf.

  (3) defeat 表战胜,接对手The enemy was defeated in the battle.


6. The parents came from the far-away village, making an ____ for their naughty son.


