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1、      重点词汇

考点一 surround                                                                                                                                            


surround 动词。意思为:包围、围绕

The fence surrounds my house. 篱笆围绕着我的家

Our school is surrounded by trees. 我们学校被树环绕


be surrounded by /with 被------包围

The city is surrouded with a river. 这个城市被一条河包围着

surrounding adj. 附近的、周围的。

the surrounding country 近郊

surroundings  n. 名词,加s。

I like the surroundings here.我喜欢这里的环境


The building had been designed to blend in with their_________.

A.surroundings  B. surrounding  C.surrounded  D. surround



考点二 settle


settle 及物动词,解决、处理、安放

There is no way to settle the dispute. 没有方法可以解决这一争端

She settled her baby in a chair. 她把孩子放在椅子上

A glass of whisky will settle your nerve. 一杯酒可以缓解你的紧张

The date of the meeting was settled. 开会的日期定下来了

settle 不及物动词,安家、定居、停留。

After the war broke out ,they settled in Europe. 战争爆发后,他们去了欧洲定居。

The bird settled on the branch. 一只鸟落在树枝上

Her eyes settled on the boy. 她的目光落在那男孩身上

Silence settled over the room. 房间里静了下来


I am happy with the dispute________.

A. reached       B. got     C. disappear   D. settled


[点拨]弄明白句子意思是解题 的关键

考点三  remain


remain 系动词,保持,仍然是。不及物动词,剩下、留下。

After years of hard ,Tom remained a worker.多年的艰苦劳作后,汤姆仍然是个工人。

They all went out, but I remained. 他们都出去了,但是我留了下来。


remain doing 仍然做------

He remains standing there. 他仍然站在那里

remain to do 有待于做-----

Much remains to be down. 很多事有待于出做

remaining 形容词,剩下的。

I have no remaining money.==I have no money left. 我没有剩余的钱了。


Having a trip is good for the old couple, but it remains _______whether they enjoy it.

A. to see    B. seeing      C. to be seen      D. seen


[点拨]remains to be seen 有待于观望。

考点四  wealthy


wealthy 形容词,富有的,丰富的。

the wealthy 富人。

He was once very wealthy.他曾经特别的富有


wealth 名词,财富、富有。

He is a man of great wealth. 他是一个很富有的人

She cared nothing for wealth. 她不在乎财富

live in wealth 过豪华的生活。

The family live in wealth. 这一家人生活的很奢侈

a wealth of  大量的。修饰可数和不可数名词

A wealth of examples are given. 大量的例子被给出了


He has a _______ of  knowledge about China .

A. plenty      B. deal     C. wealth      D. much


[点拨]a wealth of 大量的

考点五  distance


distance 名词,距离、路程、远处、差异

What is the distance to London? 到伦敦有多远?



keep one’s distance 客气

keep sb at a distance 与----保持距离,不亲近。

know one’s distance 有自只字之明

in the distance  在远处

at/from a distance 从多远处

at a distance of +数字 。在多远处。

I can see you at a distance of 10 metre.在10米远的地方,我能看到你

It is hard to know her well because she always keeps others at a distance.


I saw something in the distance. 我看到远处有东西


One can see the ancient ruins at a ________of 20 miles.

A. distance      B. space      C. length      D. stretch

[答案]A. 考查固定短语。

[点拨]at a distance of 在多远处

考点六  border


border 名词,边界,边境。动词,与----相接壤

We camped on the border of the river. 我们在河边露营

The USA borders on Canada. 美国与加拿大相比邻


border on/upon 与----相接壤。

China borders on the Russia. 中国与俄罗斯相接壤。

borderer 边境居民

borderline 边界线

borderland 边疆


Her handkerchief has a blue_______.

A. border       B. line      C. map       D.sign



考点七 have a gift for


have a gift for 有做某事的天赋

I have a gift for talking people into doing something.在说服别人上我有天赋



have a talent for 有----的天赋

The young man has a talent for writing. 这个年轻人有写作天赋

gifted ===talented

with gift====with talent

He is a gifted boy.===He is a boy with gift.他是个有天赋的孩子


He is a ________person, so he will succeed.

A. talented       B. talent     C. gift       D.decided



考点八  figure out


figure out  计算出、弄明白。

I can’t figure out why he said so. 我弄不明白他为什么这么说

Figure out my income tax, please. 请计算出我的所得税

I figure that different folk like different things.我想不同的人有不同的喜好


figure in 算在内

Have you figured in the cost of the hotel? 把旅馆的花费算在内了吗?

figure on 指望、估计、打算

We figure on your ready support.我们指望你及时的支持


We didn’t figure_______having so many people here.

A. on       B. in      C. out       D.of

[答案]A 考查该动词和介词的习惯搭配






Module3unit5 第一课时



(1)Rather than take the airplane all the way ,they decided to fly from------

(2)It is too bad you can’t go as far as Ottawa.



(1)have a gift for   有做-----的天赋。

(2)settle down   定居、专心于。

(3)figure out  想、估计、计算。

(4)as far as    远达----;至于

(5)rather than   而不是

(6)all the way   一路上


1、      重点单词

(1)settle    vt&vi 定居、解决、平静下来。

(2)surround  vt.&vi 包围、围绕。

(3)border   vt.  接近、与----相接壤。

(4)flow vt.   流动

(5)extremely  adv.   极端地;非常地。

(6)broad  adj  宽阔的;广泛的;主要的

(7)dawn  n  黎明 、拂晓。

 (8)wealthy  adj. 富有的

(9)distance  n. 距离;远方

( 10)continent  n.  大陆


3.(2008湖北) On that rainy night, he walked ______ as the small town which was 20 miles ________to call a doctor in.

A. as far; far       B. as far; away     C. so far; far away    D. as far; for away

[答案]B。考查as far as。

[点拨]20miles away。 20英里之外




2.(2008 重庆) With a lot of difficult problems     , the man felt like a cat on a hot brick.

A. settling        B. settled        C. to settle        D. being settled




1、(2007江苏)There is a new problem involved in the popularity of private cars _________ road conditions need_________. A. that ...to be improved        B. which...to be improved C. where ...improving            D .when...improving [答案]A。考查同位语从句

[点拨]因为先行词在从句中不作任何成份,因此用关系词that,故B、C、D均不正确。对于第2个空格,need既可作实义动词,又可作情态动词。作实义动词时后跟动词不定式,即need to do sth.,另外 road conditions与improve之间是被动关系,因此是need to be improved(need to be done=need doing)。译文:私家车受欢迎所涉及到的新问题是道路状况需要改善


6.      as far as 有两层意思:形容词短语,远达----。也可以用作连词短语,引导从句。它引导的从句是个重要的句式。2010年的高考还会是个重点



5.      settle 它即可以做及物动词,也可以做不及物动词。意思有:安家、定居、稳定下来、静下心来、解决问题等。复习时,要弄明白它的各个意思的用法

