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31.(2010·合肥模拟) NASA began a(n)________  of shuttle flights carrying live animals to space with the launch of Challenger flight STS 51B on April 28, 1985.

A. amount      B. sum     C. deal    D. series


30.(2010·合肥模拟) Used to TV show, where everything is quick and entertaining, many people do not have the           ______ to read a book that requires thinking.

A. freedom    B. patience     C. wisdom     D. courage


29.(2010·泰安模拟)She is only a(n)    ,not a friend of mine.

A. acquaintance   B. familiarity   C. announcement   D. family


28.(2010·长沙模拟) Father went to his doctor for ________ about his heart trouble.

A. an advice     B. advice    C. advices     D. the advice


27. (2010·长沙模拟) When I give up work I shall take a long sea ________.

A. trip      B. travel    C. journey     D. voyage


26.(2010·西安模拟)Former US president Jimmy Carter played an important     in establishing China-US ties.

A. game         B. card           C. record         D. role


25.(2010·永安模拟)The _______of people seem to prefer TV to radio.

A. most     B. majority     C. average    D. common


24.(2010·永安模拟)As the wages were low, there were few ______for the job.

A. employees    B. applicants    C. inventors   D. researchers


23.(2010·安徽模拟)- I’d like to see the movie very much, but I have no money with me.

- That’s OK. My _____  this time.

A. offer    B. treat    C. promise    D. service


22.(2010·合肥模拟)My morning ________ includes jogging in the park and reading newspapers over breakfast.

A. routine     B. action     C. drill    D. regulation

