0  405345  405353  405359  405363  405369  405371  405375  405381  405383  405389  405395  405399  405401  405405  405411  405413  405419  405423  405425  405429  405431  405435  405437  405439  405440  405441  405443  405444  405445  405447  405449  405453  405455  405459  405461  405465  405471  405473  405479  405483  405485  405489  405495  405501  405503  405509  405513  405515  405521  405525  405531  405539  447090 

7.(2010·济宁模拟)Zhang Yimou is considered to be one of     top directors in    film industry. 

           A.a;a     B.the;the     C.the;a      D.a;the


6.(2010·衡阳模拟)Now I’ve been out of _____ work for weeks, I’ve joined the ranks of _____ unemployed. 

 A. the; 不填       B. the; the    C. 不填; the      D. 不填; an


5.(2010·银川模拟)_____ concern about food safety seems to be ______  subject that is being discussed all over the world.

A.The; a      B.A; /    C.The; the     D./; the


4.(2010·杭州模拟)______ two pandas from Chinese mainland has become ______ hot topic in Taiwan.

A. The, a      B. A, a      C. /, the     D. The, /


3.(2010·温州模拟)Winters in ______ north of China are for_____ most part dry and cold.

A. 不填; a       B. the; 不填    C. 不填; 不填     D. the; the


2.(2010·天津模拟)Would you like    knife and fork,or would you rather use    chopsticks,sir?

A.the;the      B.a:/      C./;the    D.the;the


1.(2010·嘉兴模拟)-Has the little boy passed    P. E. test?

-He has tried twice and the teacher will allow him to have    third try.

A. the; 不填    B. a; the     C. the; a     D. the; the


34.(2010·阜阳模拟)  To all the famous artists’ surprise, the unknown woman’s two     paintings are also on show in the art exhibition.

A. little blue oil            B. blue little oil    C. oil blue little      D. little oil blue

[答案]1-5 BDCCC    6-10 CCACC     11-15DDABA    16-20 AABCD

21-25 BABBB    26-30 DDBAB     31-34DBBA



33.(2010·合肥模拟) There is an interesting _______ to make movies describe violence and sex.

A. strength    B. trend     C. tradition    D. direction


32.(2010·合肥模拟)She was loved by whoever watched the TV play for her determination in overcoming difficulties and _____ even when others were unkind to her.

A. being kind     B. kindness     C. to be kind    D. kind

