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37.(2010·蚌埠模拟)Zhang Xuan, ____ university student from Shanghai, learns ____ art in her spare time.

A. an; /      B. a; the      C. a; /     D. an; the


36.(2010·安庆模拟)The Taylors decided that they would employ ______ cleaner to do ______ housework.

A. a; a       B. a; the       C. the; a       D. 不填; the


35.(2010·安庆模拟)Doctors need to have ____ good knowledge of ____ medicine.

A. a, a     B. the, the     C. \. \      D. a, \


34.(2010·巢湖、安庆联考)Many of    friends British people make at school remain   friends for life, so it is true that schooldays are “the best of life”.

A.the;不填    B.the; the C.不填; the   D.不填;不填


33.(2010·长沙模拟)The Shengzhou VI aircraft carried two astronauts into _______sky at 9:00 am on October 12, 2005 and the two astronauts will stay in _______space for five days.

A. a; the     B. the; 不填      C. the; the      D. a; 不填


32.(2010·瓦房店模拟)-Do you know    Korean idol group called Supper Junior?

-Is it       one with a Chinese member?

A. /; /      B. a; the     C. the; /       D. /; the


31.(2010·长春模拟)He came here by ____way of London. In ____ way his health is much improved, but he is still not really well.

A. a, a     B. /, a     C. the, the      D. a, the


30.(2010·福州模拟)In many countries people still keep up _________tradition that women will get married in _______long white dress.

A.  a; the     B. a; a      C. the; a      D. the; the


29.(2010·湖州模拟)I am only a visitor to this city, so I don’t know whether ___ number of the car accidents is increasing or going down.

A. an      B. the     C. a      D. \


28.(2010·泰州模拟)I had decided to give it up, but on ________ second thoughts, I decided to try ________ third time.

A. /; the      B. /; a    C. the; the    D. the; a

