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   A.7小时      B.15小时     C.17小时     D.24小时




1. achieve one’s ambition/goal 实现某人的愿望/目标    2. claim the insurance  索赔保险金

3. accomplish one’s aim 达到某人的目的             4. commit a crime  犯罪

5. break a/one’s promise  违背诺言                 6. consult a doctor 找医生看病

7. congratulate sb on sth.  因为某事祝贺某人         8. cover the expense  支付开支

9. conduct a survey /an experiment 做调查/实验        10. cover an event  采访事件

11. deliver a report/speech  做报告/发表演讲          12. do research on  做研究

13. devote some time to doing sth.  花时间做某事      14. draw the curtain  拉上窗帘

15. leave/make a good impression  留下好印象        16. lay a table  摆放餐具

17. make an arrangement/arrangements  做安排        18. lay the blame on sb.  责备某人

19. make an announcement  做口头通知             20. make a mark  做记号

21. make a contribution to  为…做贡献              22. make a living  谋生

23. make a list of  列出…的清单                 24. make a decision  做出决定

25. make remarks about  对…加以评论              26. make choices  做出选择

27. make friends with  与…叫朋友                 28. make tea 沏茶

29. make preparations for  为…做准备              30. make a commitment  承诺

31. meet one’s demands  满足某人的要求            32. make attempts to do  尝试做…

33. offer a job  提供工作                       34. pay respect to  尊敬…

35. pay attention to  注意…                      36. pay a visit to  访问/参观…

37. pay court to sb.  向某人求爱                   38. perform one’s duty  履行职责

39. reach/draw a conclusion  得出结论              40. reach an agreement  达成协议

41. satisfy one’s needs  满足某人的需要             42. read an expression 看表情

43. set an example to sb.  为某人树立榜样          44. set a record  创下记录

45. spare no efforts /pains to do  不遗余力地做…      46. sing high praise for  高度赞扬…

47. settle an argument  解决争论                      48. set foot on  踏上…

49. struggle to one’s foot  挣扎着站起来                50. show a sign of  表示出…迹象

51. shake hands with  与…握手                   52. take possession of  占有…

53.  spend some time in doing sth.  花时间做某事      54. take a chance  冒险

55. take responsibility for  对…负责                56. take notice of  注意

57. take pride in  对…感到自豪                      58. tell the difference  辨别

59. take advantage of  对…加以利用               60. take steps to do sth  采取措施

61. take sth into account/ consideration把…考虑在内        62. take an exam  参加考试

63. take /adopt measures  采取措施                 64. take a photograph of  为…拍照

65. undertake an enterprise  创办事业                  66. undertake a task  执行任务

67. wear a smile   面带笑容


6. So this summer vacation I am going to get down to read some books. 



5. He spent three hours pick up moon rocks. 


4. Although we have been members for a short period of time, we have made a great progress. (2005年福建卷第79题)


3. They hoped that their children could be taught the lesson from the dinner. 


2. Ladies and Gentlemen, may I pay your attention, please? 


1. As is known to all, the Internet is playing a more and more important part on our life.


1. As the letter disappeared, the man______ into tears.

  A. joyed    B. burst     C. laughed     D. cried   (2003名校联考)

2. Some thirty percent of the world’s exports of tea makes its ______to London.(2003 重庆诊断)

A. route      B. way      C. direction     D. journey

3. He was sure that by washing clothes he could ______ enough money to attend school.

A. collect    B. spare    C. find     D. make    (2003西城抽样)

4. Mr. Breen ___39___ them all by name and they sometimes even had their order already made up, always getting me to carry it out to their car.

  A. sold     B. knew     C. gave     D. sent    (2005年 江西卷) 

5. He gave me a cent for every nail I ______ out of old boards  

A. pulled     B. put     C. picked    D. pressed   (2003年 北京卷)

6. My main responsibilities were ______ tables and washing dishes, but sometimes I helped cook.

A. sweeping    B. packing     C. clearing    D. emptying  (2003年 北京卷)

7. Word that I was trustworthy and hard-working ______ around town.

A. ran      B. got      C. flew     D. carried   (2003年 北京卷)

8. The word “spaghetti” brought back the __36___ of an evening at Uncle Allen’s in Belleville when all of us were seated around the table…..

A. memory    B. thought   C. knowledge   D. experience  (2004年 全国卷)

9. She told the front-desk clerk she had had a wonderful vacation, but was heart-broken about losing several rolls of Kodak color film she had not yet __40_ .

A. developed    B. taken    C.  washed     D. loaded  (2004年福建卷)

10 She stepped into the ___16___ and rowed out silently.

A. car       B. boat      C. ship      D. sail   (2005年 天津卷) 

11. But I considered it part of the grade game we’re pushed into__55_to aim at going to the best schools.

A. taking  B. playing  C. making  D. enjoying (江西金太阳2006届百所名校示范卷11)


39. One of the best ways for people to keep fit is to ______ healthy eating habits.

A. grow    B. develop   C. increase   D. raise (湖北卷)

