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33、Good traditions should be ______ from one generation to______.

A.passed out; the other   B.passed on; other  

C.passed away; the others   D.passed down; another


32、----How long ______ each other before they ______ married?

  ----For about a year.

A.have they known; get   B.did they know; were going to get  

C.do they know; are going to get   D.had they known; got


31、They have no reason to feel proud ______ they can speak English very well.

A.even though   B.as though   C.as if   D.since that


30、Charles Babbage is generally considered______ the first computer

A.inventing   B.to invent   C.to have invented   D.having invented


29、She will make little progress in her study ______ she has little knowledge of language.

A.unless   B.although   C.since   D.even if


28、Not until the early years of the 19th century ______ what heat is.

A.didn’t man know  B.did man know  C.man did know  D.man knew


27、The premier is always busy with state______.

A.matter   B.things   C.affairs   D.business


26、In 1963 King made a speech to thousands of people, ______ immediately made him become world-famous.

A.that   B.who   C.which   D.when


25、In 1998 Zhu Rongji was elected ______of the Chinese government.

A.a Premier   B.an Premier   C.the Premier   D.Premier


24、Frank is the kind of person whom people like to ______.

A.Make friend with   B.make friend of  

C.make friend   D.make friends with

