0  405907  405915  405921  405925  405931  405933  405937  405943  405945  405951  405957  405961  405963  405967  405973  405975  405981  405985  405987  405991  405993  405997  405999  406001  406002  406003  406005  406006  406007  406009  406011  406015  406017  406021  406023  406027  406033  406035  406041  406045  406047  406051  406057  406063  406065  406071  406075  406077  406083  406087  406093  406101  447090 

93. Generally speaking, ______ according to the directions, the drug has no side effect.

  A. when taking    B. when taken

  C. when to take    D. when to taken


92. ----- Susan, go on. Your sister is cleaning the yard.

  ----- Why ____? John is sitting there doing nothing.

A. him   B. he     C. I     D. me


91. ____ time, he’ll make a first-class tennis player.

   A. Having given  B. To give   C. Giving   D. Given


90. ---- Is that car yours?

  ---- No. Neither is that _____.

  A. your nor is that Jack’    B. yours not is that Jack

  C. yours not that is Jack’s   D. yours nor is that Jack’s


89. ---- Look! There _______.

  ---- Oh, yes, there _____.

  A. to the policemen; go they  B. go the policemen; they go

  C. are the policeman going; are going D. went the policemen; they went


88. Not until he reached the station ____ that his ticket had been left home.

  A. does he realize    B. he realized

  C. did he realize     D. he had realized


87. Only when your identity had been checked, _____.

  A. you are allowed in  B. you will be allowed in

  C. will you allow in   D. will you be allowed in


86. Under that tall tree ______ four people, playing cards.

  A. stood   B. sat   C. ran    D. looked


85. Next door to ours _____, who is no less than 90.

  A. lives a senior man     B. that lives a senior man

  C. does a senior man live    D. where lives a senior man


84. No sooner _______ asleep than she heard a knock at the door.

 A. she had fallen       B. had she fallen

 C. she fell              D. she did fall

