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16.She can't help _____ the house because she's busy making a cake.

 A. to clean    B. cleaning    C. cleaned     D. being cleaned

答案解析:此题容易误选B,简单地套用can't help doing sth这一结构。其实此题应选A,注意以下两个结构均可用,但是含义不同:can't help doing sth =禁不住做某事,情不自禁地做某事;can't help to do sth =不能帮助做某事。前者为引申用法,一般辞书均将其作为固定搭配列出来,许多老师对此也比较强调,从而就使同学们形成了思维定势;而后者为help表示“帮助”时的本义用法,因同学们平时对此不大注意,一看到上面的试题马上就联想到can't help doing sth这一结构,从而误选了B。


15. - What should I do with this passage?   -_____ the main idea of each paragraph.   A. Finding out   B. Found out   C. Find out   D. To find out

答案解析: 此题极易误选A。认为是动名词短语作do的宾语。其实我们把该答案代入原文,便发现不行。因为do finding out…是绝对不能搭配的。其实此题应选C。考查祈使句。此句话的汉语意思是:- 我应该怎么处理这段文章?- 归纳出每段的中心思想。


14.She's too thin. She ____ gain some weight but she _____ too little.

A. would, ate   B. will, eats C. would, eats    D. will, ate 

答案解析:此题有些难度,许多同学不知如何分析。我们先根据题目所提供的选项将句意大致概括出来:她太瘦了。她会增加体重的,但她吃得太少了。根据句首She's too thin这一所给信息可知,“她瘦”应是客观事实。按照一般的常识,“吃得少”就会导致“瘦”,“吃得多”就会导致“胖”,根据句首的信息,“她瘦”是客观事实,所以她“吃得少”也应是事实,因此第二空应填eats(即用一般现在时表示现在的事实)。根据上面的分析:“她瘦”和“她吃得少”均为现在的事实,那么“她体重会增加”就应是假设(注意句中的转折连词but),所以第一空应填would,其实,此句可理解为其后省略了一个条件状语if she ate more (如果她多吃一点的话)。此题最佳答案选C。


13.--- Mum, why do you always make me eat an egg every day ?

  --- ____ enough protein and nutrition as you are growing up.

 A. Get   B. Getting     C. To get  D. To be getting

 答案解析: 此处回答why, 因而答案选C. 作目的状语。


12.If the weather is fine, we'll go. If _____, _____. 

 A. not, not     B. no, no    C. not, no     D. no, not

 答案解析:此题应选A。If not, not.为If the weather is NOT fine, we will NOT go.之省略,全句意为“如果天气好,我们就去;如果天气不好,我们就不去”。该句的特点是:后句与前句的用词和句式完全相同,只是前句为肯定,后句为否定,为了简洁起见,于是将后句与前句相同部分省略,只保留否定词not。


11. He transplanted the little tree to the garden _____ it was the best time for it.    A. where      B. when      C. that       D. until 

答案解析:此题容易误选C, 把the garden看成是先行词,以为是where引导的表地点的定语从句。其实此题应选B。这是when引导时间状语从句。此句话的汉语意思是:他把小树在最合适的时候移植到花园。


10.Don't you know _____, my dear friend, it is you that she loves?

 A. who       B. which      C. that       D. what 

答案解析:此题容易误选A或B,选A者认为这是指人的,故用who;选B者认为这是非限制性定语从句,两者都是误认为这是定语从句(注意没有先行词),其实此题应选C,that引导的是一个宾语从句(用做动词know的宾语),它只是被句中的插入语my dear friend隔开罢了。其实此句也可说成:My dear friend, don't you know that it is you that she loves?


9.“I think the teacher is wrong, _____?” “No, I don't think so.”

 A. don't you   B. don't I  C. doesn't he   D. doesn't she

答案解析:此题容易误选C或D,因为按照语法规则,I think后接宾语从句时,其反意疑问句与从句保持一致,但是退一步,即使按此规则,其反意疑问句也应是isn't he或isn't she之类的,而不是像C或D那样用doesn't he和doesn't she。综合四个选项,最佳答案为A,don't you为don't you think so之省略。


8.“Is there _____ here?” “No, Bob and Tim have asked for leave.”

A. anybody   B. everybody  C. somebody   D. nobody 



7.-Well. I do think the rabbit is a beautiful, gentle animal which can run very fast.   -_____________.   A.So it is    B.So is it     C.So does it   D.So it does 

答案解析:此题容易误选B, 平时同学们经常练习和so有关的倒装句:so放在句首,表示前面的肯定内容也适用于另一个人或物。其结构为:so +助动词+主语 。因此在未完全理解题意时,就主观地选择了B。其实最佳答案为A。本题考查\"so+主语+助动词\"结构,用来表示赞成前一说话者所说的内容,可译为\"是的\"、\"对\"或\"确实如此\"。此句话的汉语意思是:- 哎, 我真地认为这兔子是一只漂亮温顺的动物,跑得很快。- 确实如此。

