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30. Do you consider it any good _____ the truck again ?

A. to repair     B. repairing    C. repaired    D. being repairing

答案是B项。在这个句子中it是形式宾语,如果这样的句子中出现了any good , no good , any use 或 no use,就该使用动名词来作句中真正的宾语。


29. The bad weather meant ______ the rocket launch (发射) for 48 hours .

A. delaying    B. having delayed     C. to delay    D. to have delayed

答案是A项。mean后既可以跟不定式(mean to do sth),又可以跟名词mean doing sth,便两者内涵是有很大区别的,前者表示"故意去做;诚心去做"而后者表示"意味着要做"。据此两个不定式的选项应予以排除。虽然句中有表示延续一段时间的时间状语,但句意是:恶劣的天气意味着火箭的发射要耽搁四十八小时,"耽搁"这一动作没有也不能发生在谓语动词meant之前,所以C项也必须排除掉。


28. She was afraid _____ the dog in case it became dangerous .

A. of exciting    B. to excite   C. that she excited    D. to be exciting

答案是B项。be afraid后面既可以跟不定式be afraid to sth又可以跟动名词be afraid of doing sth , 但前者的意思是:害怕/不敢做某事;后者的意思为:对可能出现的结果的发愁或忧虑,试比较以下两个句子: She was afraid to wake up her husband . ( perhaps because she feared that he would be annoyed or angry ) 她不敢唤醒她的丈夫。(可能因为她害怕他会不高兴或生气) She was afraid of waking up her husband . ( perhaps because he was ill , or in need of extra sleep )她担心吵醒了她的丈夫。(可能因为他生病了或需要一些额外的睡眠)


27. We're leaving at six o'clock , and hope _____ most of the journey by lunch time .

A. to do     B. to have done     C. to make     D. to have made

答案是B项。要答对这道题需要两方面的知识。一是不定式的完成体用来表示这个动作发生在谓语动作之前,或是表示该动作的完成。本题中的不定式的完成体表示的正是该动作的完成,因此这句话可改写为:We're leaving at six o'clock , and hope that we will have done most the journey by lunch time . (我们将在六点时动身,希望在午饭前走完大半路程。)第二,知识是与journey连用的不同的动词所具有的不同的内涵。词组to make a journey或to go on a journey 都表示"做一次旅行",在这两个词组里a journey是一个整体,但是如果要表示旅程中的一部分,正确的英语则使用do这个动词,例如:do some / much / most of the journey (走完这个旅程的一部分/大部分/绝大部分)


26. I _____ you somewhere before , but your name has escaped me _____ moment .

A. must see ; for a moment   B. must have seen ; for a moment

C. must see ; for the moment   D. must have seen ; for the moment

答案是D项。must与不定式的完成体连用表示对过去发生的事持肯定态度的推断,在疑问句中用can,在持否定态度的推断时用can not 。例如:He must have rid himself of his preumonia last week , for you see , he doesn't cough at all now . (他在上星期肯定治愈了他的肺炎,你看,他现在一点都不咳嗽了。) for a moment表示一个动作延续了一会儿,而for the moment 则表示"目前;暂时"


25. It's nearly seven o'clock . Jack _____ be here at any moment .

 A. must   B. need  C. should   D. can

答案是C项。根据语境空白处应填表示具有"随时可能"意义的情态动词。虽然can可以表示可能性,但它往往表示的是对这种可能性的怀疑。例如:Can he still be alive after all these years ? (这么多年之后,他还可能活在人世吗?) should除具有"应该"词义之外,还有一个含义是:will probably (将来很可能发生)又如:His uncle is working among the enemy officials now . Dangerous things should happen to him at any time . (他的叔叔现在在敌人的军营中工作,危险的事随时都可能发生在他身上。)


24. Mrs. Green wants to buy that kind of cloth because she ______ that the cloth _____ very well .

A. has been told ; washes  B. is told ; is washed  C. has been told ; is washed  D. is told ; is washed

答案是A项。根据语境第一个空白处应该使用现在完成时的被动语态,第二个空白处应该选用washes,因为wash这个动词也可作不及物动词使用,它的词意是"耐洗"。英语中This cloth washes well表达的是:这布很耐洗。


23. -When ______ and visit our exhibition next month ?   -When _______ , I will let you know .

A. will he come ; he will come     B. will he come ; he comes

C. does he come ; he will come     D. does he come ; he comes

答案是B项。第一句中的时间状语next month确定了这句的一般将来时的时态,然而第二句是由when引导的时间状语从句,在时间状语从句中只能用一般现在时表示的是一般将来时。


22. Michael ______ here to see you and he ______ a note on your desk .

A. has come ;  has left  B. has been ; has left  C. has come ; left  D. has been ; left

答案是D项。此处的has been here表示"刚才到这儿来过",从字面上看这个表达方式是现在完成时,但实际上这个表达方式的内涵是该人已不在此处了。因此这个动作是发生在过去的事,那末该在你的书桌上留便条的动作也该用一般过去时


21. -How long _______ each other before they ________ married ?     -For about a year .

A. have they known ; get      B. did they know ; were going to get

C. do they know ; are going to get   D. had they known ; got


