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40. -Have you ever seen Peter recently ?

-Yes . He _____ me to ask you how you _____ along with your new job these days .

A. has asked ; have been getting       B. asked ; were getting

C. often asks ; are getting          D. asked ; are getting

答案是D项。问方的所问被完整地给出:"近来你见到彼德了吗?"答方给予的第一个答复是肯定的,那末后面解释他一彼德见面时所做事肯定是过去的事,因此第一个空应该使用asked。第二空是否受asked的制约,要由离第二个空白处最近的动词决定,离它近的是动词不定式to ask,据此根据句意,第二个空白处应该使用现在进行时。


39. Mary ______ to see you . She _____ for you downstairs at the moment .

A. has come ; is waiting  B. came ; is waiting  C. has come ; waited  D. came ; was waiting

答案是A项。思考这道题时应该使用逆向思维,即先考虑第二个空白处的选项,再考虑第一空白处的答案。因为第二句中交代了一个重要的时间状语:at the moment (现在),因此应毫不犹豫地选择is waiting这一现在进行时的时态。据此第一句的句意也就随之清晰起来?quot;玛丽已经到这儿来看望你"很明显对表示对现在造成影响的动作要使用现在完成时态。


38. A man does not know the difficulty of anything _____ he does it personally .

A. although  B. if    C. because   D. unless

答案是D项。连词unless本身具有否定意义:if … not,引导的是否定的条件句,这种否定的条件句从反面来表达强烈的语气,一些语法学家称它为"反面的唯一条件句"又如:One cannot master a foreign language well unless he studies it hard . (不下苦功夫,是学不好的一门外国语的。)


37. -What was the party like ?    -Wonderful . It is years _____ I enjoyed myself  so much .

A. after    B. when   C. before    D. since

答案是D项。英语中"It is + 时间"后三种不同的用法。其一是:"It is + 时间+ that …",这是强调结构的句型,如:It is always on Wednesday morning that the famous professor comes to give us a lecture about Chinese literature . (那位著名的教授来给我上中国文学课总是在星期三上午);其二是:"It is +一段时间before …",这一句型的意思是:完成这个从句所发生的事所需的时间量,如:It is about a week before a Londoner can get a letter you post in Beijing today . (一个伦敦人要收到你今天在北京寄出的一封信需要一个星期的时间。);其三是:"It is +一段时间+since …"这一句型表示的是从从句中动词的动作起所延续的时间。关于since这个词的内涵,详见前面的第20小题。


36. I caught the last bus from town , but Harry came home ______ that night .

  1. very late   B. even later    C. the same late    D. the last one

答案是B项。形容词或副词的比较级在一般情况下使用在明示比较句中,但有时也使用在暗示比较句中。暗示比较现象往往出现在带有but的并列句里,或带有让步状语从句的主句里。第一分句交代的是暗示某种程度的被比对象,在第二分句里以比较级的形式出现。又如:Great as are his achievements , his ideal and spirit are still greater . (他的成就非常了不起,但他的理想和精神更伟大。)


35. We will take _____ wants to go there for a sight-seeing .

   A. whoever   B. who   C. anybody   D. all that

答案是A项。whoever有两个词义,(1)no matter who,在这种用法时引导一个让步状语从句,如:Whoever ( = No matter who ) it is , I do not want to see them . (无论他是谁,我都不想见。),又如:The business would be a success , whoever ( no matter who ) owned it . (这个企业准能兴旺发达,甭管谁是它的主人。);(2)anybody / that,在这种用法时,它连接一个名词性从句,在本题中它连的是主语从句,又如:I will take whoever ( anybody that ) wants to go to that beautiful park . (我要带任何想去那个美丽公园的人去那里。)在这一例句中whoever连接的是一个宾语从句


34. I think the doctor is able to care of _____ is the matter with your son .

A. all   B. what   C. whatever   D. anything

答案是C项。与前面第19题的考查点whoever一样,whatever也具备两个意思,其一是no matter what , 引导让步状语从句;其二是anything that , 引导名词性从句,在本题中,Whatever 引导的是一个宾语从句,whatever在这个宾语从句被用作主语。


33. Let us not waste ______ time we have left .

  1. the little   B. little    C. a little    D. a little more

答案是A项,一般地说,不定代词many , little或few前是不许使用定冠词的,但是如果它们修饰的名词有特指或限定意义时,它们前面就应使用定冠词了。如:I soon finished the few books she had lent me . (她借给我的那几本书,我很快就看完了。)又如:We must make full use of the contradictions among the enemies , winning over the many and opposing the few . (我们必须充分利用敌人的内部矛盾,争取多数,反对少数。)


32. _____ in thought ,  he almost ran into the car in front of him .

 A. Losing    B. Having  lost     C. Lost    D. To

答案是C项。过去分词有三个用途:(1)表示被动,如:the oppressed people ( = the people who are oppressed ) 被压迫的人们,又如:the exploited class ( = the class that is exploited ) 被剥削阶级;(2)表示完成,如:the fallen leaves ( = the leaves which have fallen ) 落叶,又如:an escaped prisoner ( = a prisoner who has run out of prison ) 一个逃犯;(3)表示状态,如:a broken window ( = a window that is broken ) 一扇破窗子,又如:lost in thought陷入沉思。


31. ______ to somebody , a British person after shakes hands with the stranger .

A. Introducing      B. To introduce   C. To be introduced   D. On being introduced

答案是D项。很明显,句中的空白处应 选用非谓语动词的被动形式。如果将C项填入空白处,虽然这个不定式是被动形式,但不定式短语处于句首或是充当目的的状语,或是充当含有虚拟意义的动名词时,其意为:"一…就…",但如介词on后带被动态的动名词,除上述意义外,还可表示:"在…的时候"。D项答案的这个意义正符合上面句子的句意。

