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6.(★★★★★)He is writing________life________other countries, and________him we can learn much________the floor.


5.(★★★★)I heard________a friend who was studying________the University________ Beijing.


4.(★★★★★)The shirt that I bought________Barry was placed________a gift box and tied________red ribbon(丝带).


3.(★★★★)When my father is________work,he pays attention so carfully________ what he is doing that he does not notice the people who come________his office.


2.(★★★★★)______the twentieth______June we sailed______an Francisco_______Tokyo, expecting to arrive ________the Japanese capital________the middle________July.


1.(★★★★)We wanted to meet each other________9 o’clock________their house, but________my way to meet her, I drove________the road.


10.(★★★★★)-How do you deal with the disagreement between the company and the customers? (北京2002)

   -The key ________the problem is to meet the demand________by the customers.

   A.to solving; making B.to solving; made

   C.to solve; making D.to solve; made



9.(★★★★)Luckily, the bullet narrowly missed the captain ________an inch.

   A.by B.at C.to D.from



8.(★★★★★)We thought of selling this old furniture, but we’ve decided to________it .It might be valuable. (NMET2002)

   A.hold on to B.keep up with C.turn to D.look after


7.(★★★★★)-You seemed to be deeply struck by his skill.

   -Not exactly so.It was his courage________ his that really struck me most.

   A.rather than B.as well as C.but also D.not as

