0  405996  406004  406010  406014  406020  406022  406026  406032  406034  406040  406046  406050  406052  406056  406062  406064  406070  406074  406076  406080  406082  406086  406088  406090  406091  406092  406094  406095  406096  406098  406100  406104  406106  406110  406112  406116  406122  406124  406130  406134  406136  406140  406146  406152  406154  406160  406164  406166  406172  406176  406182  406190  447090 

52.He 1eft word with his secretary that she should keep it___   secret for_____    moment.

A.the;the     B.the;a      C.a;不填       D.a; the


51. Of all the subjects,I like _________ history best because it gives us_________useful knowledge of things in the past.

A.the;a          B./;a                      C.a;the          D.a;/


50.Liu Xiang is_________ first Chinese who has won_________ one-hundred-metre hurdle gold medal in the Olympic Games.

A.the;a          B.the;the            C.the;an         D.a;the


49.The report said a car went out of _________control on a highway _________south of the city and rushed into a river.

A.the;the            B./;the              C.the;/           D./;/


47. -Would you mind giving your advice on how to improve our business management?    -if you make ____ most of the equipment, there will be ____ rise in production.    A. 不填;不填   B. the;a   C. 不填;a   D. the;不填 48.-Did you happen to see _________ black and  _________ white cat?

-Is she missing?I told you to take care of her.

A.the;the            B.the;/          C.a;/                  D.a;the


45. Thank you for sending us ____ fresh vegetables of many kinds. You have done us ____ a great service.    A. 不填;a   B. the;a   C. 不填;不填   D. the;不填 46. Young as he is, David has gained ____ rich experience in ____ society.    A. the; the   B. a; 不填   C. 不填;不填   D. 不填;the


44.I wonder what it feels like to be one of______really rich. The Jenkinsons already have two Rolls Royces and now they are buying ____ third!

A.the; a   B.the;the   C./;a    D./;the


43. Many people are still in _____ habit of writing silly things in _____ public places.

A.the;the    B./; /   C. the; /   D. /; the


42. What ______ public is concerned about is whether medical workers and scientists will be able to find for this new disease in a short time.

A.不填;不填  B.不填;the   C. the;不填  D.the;a


36. In the market, vegetables are sold by _______ kilogram, I mean, by _______ weight.    A. the; 不填    B.不填; 不填    C. the; the    D.不填;the 37. Many people agree that ______ knowledge of English is a must in _______ international trade today.    A. the, an    B. a, 不填    C. the, the   D. 不填, the 38. The cakes are delicious. I’d like to have _______ third one as _______ second one I ate was too small.    A. the, the    B. a, the    C. the, a    D. a, a 39. ________ England of those years was _______ England in peace.    A. 不填, 不填    B. The, an    C. The, 不填    D. 不填, an 40. - Did you happen to see _______ black and _______ white cat?    - Are they missing? I told you to take care of them.    A. a; 不填   B. the; 不填   C. the; the   D. a; the 41. I smoke out of ____ habit, not for ____ pleasure; for I have been in the habit for twenty years.

A. a; the  B. the; a  C. x; the  D. x; x

