0  406003  406011  406017  406021  406027  406029  406033  406039  406041  406047  406053  406057  406059  406063  406069  406071  406077  406081  406083  406087  406089  406093  406095  406097  406098  406099  406101  406102  406103  406105  406107  406111  406113  406117  406119  406123  406129  406131  406137  406141  406143  406147  406153  406159  406161  406167  406171  406173  406179  406183  406189  406197  447090 

6、   of the land in that district     covered with trees and grass.

A、Two fifth;is     B、Two fifth;are     C、Two fifths;is     D、Two fifths;are


5、    people in the would are sending information by email every day.

A、Several million    B、Many millions    C、Several millions    D、Many million


4、The enlarged school campus is    the old one.

A、as three times big as     B、three times as big as  

C、bigger three times than   D、as big as three times


3、----Would you like to come to the dinner party here on Saturday?

----Thank you.I’d love to, ________I’ll be out town at the weekend.

A、because     B、and    C、so     D、but


2、He won a gold medal in the Olympic Games,but he was just   then.

A、at the age of 17 years old    B、a 17-years-old boy    

C、a boy of 17           D、a 17-year boy


1、With the help of the German experts,the factory produced   cars in 1993 as the year before.

A、as twice many    B、as many as twice    C、as twice as many    D、twice as many


14、He was asked   time to hand in his dictation.

A、the second     B、a first    C、the first     D、a second

15    that my head had cleared,my brain was also beginning to work much better.

A、For     B、Now     C、Since      D、So

1-----5DDBBA   6----10DBDDC   11----15CBCDC



13、Mr. Zhang stays at_________ on________ floor at Chang Qing Hotel

A、Room 203;second        B、203 Room;the second

C、Room 203;the second      D、the Room 203;two


12、It will take   to finish this course.

A、one and half year’s time      B、a year and a half’s time

C、a year and a half of time      D、a year and a half time


11、The great Pyramid is   high!

A、144 metre     B、144-metre    C、144 metres    D、144-metres

