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1、I do every single bit of housework    my husband Bob just does the dishes now and then.

A、since    B、while    C、when     D、as


15、I was having a meeting     .

A、on the two floor  B、on the second floor  

C、at two storey    D、in the second storey

1----5DCDBA   6----10CABCB   11-----15DBBAB



14、The Olympic Games are held once    .

A、every four years  B、each fourth year   

C、every-four-year   D、every four year


13、About    of the land surface of Africa    covered with desert.

A、two-fifth;is    B、two-fifths;is   C、two-five;is   D、two-fifths;are


12、She had a tense expression on her face,    she were expecting trouble.

A、even though   B、as though    C、even as    D、now that


11、The moon is    the earth.

A、as big as forty-nine times  B、forty-nine times bigger than  

C、as big as one-third   D、one-third the size of


10、Our holiday comes in    time.

A、two-weeks    B、two weeks’    C、two-week’s      D、two week’s


9、It took us quite a long time to get here.It was    journey.

A、three-hour    B、a three hour    C、a three-hour      D、three hours


8、As a result of destroying the forests,a large    of desert    covered the land.

A、number;has      B、quantity;has     C、number;have     D、quantity;have


7、She was really too buy at the time,   she’d have came and helped with the cooking.

A、or    B、but    C、though     D、however

