0  406006  406014  406020  406024  406030  406032  406036  406042  406044  406050  406056  406060  406062  406066  406072  406074  406080  406084  406086  406090  406092  406096  406098  406100  406101  406102  406104  406105  406106  406108  406110  406114  406116  406120  406122  406126  406132  406134  406140  406144  406146  406150  406156  406162  406164  406170  406174  406176  406182  406186  406192  406200  447090 

6、I would appreciate it    you call back this afternoon for the doctor’s appointment.

A、until    B、if    C、when     D、that


5、Could it be in the restaurant in   you had dinner with me last night   you left your mobile phone?

A、that;which    B、where;that    C、which;that     D、that;where


4、I’ll write a letter to    people are on the list.

A、any   B、all    C、whoever   D、whichever


3、----Which is the car he drives?

----It’s    .

A、car forty-four    B、the forty-four car   

C、forty-fourth car   D、the forty-fourth car


2、Mr. Smith   me to buy several    eggs for the dinner.

A、asked;dozen   B、suggested;dozens of    C、had;doaen    D、persuaded;dozens


1、It was because of bad weather    the football match had to be put off.

A、so   B、so that    C、why    D、that


15、----When did he leave the classroom?

----He left    you turned back to write on the blackboard.

A、the minute   B、the time  C、until   D、before

1-----5BBCBA    6----10CCDCC   11---15CBBCA



14、The WTO can not live up to its name    it does not include a country that is home to one fifth of mankind.

A、as long as   B、while    C、if    D、even though


13、----Did you remember to give Mary the money you owed her?

----Yes.I gave it to her   I saw her.

A、while     B、the moment    C、suddenly   D、once


12、Babies sleep 16 to 18 hours in every 24 hours,and they sleep less   they grow older.

A、while     B、as    C、when    D、after

