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72. Now there’s a new ________(突破) in cloning.


71. He knows ________(确切) where our teacher lives.


70. He has been working so hard at his lessons, so he ________ ________ ________ (一定) pass the exam this time.


69. ________(显然), he has lost interest in physics.


68. Only a few of them thought highly of the plan. The ________(大多数) were against it.


67. My father ________(雇佣) three men to help him with the harvest last summer.


66. They keep connected with each other ________ ________ ________ (借助)the telephone.


55. What may be the writer’s advice to the potential readers?

 A. The goals you set for yourself shouldn’t be far beyond your reach.

 B. You needn’t attend college if you are really not interested in it.

 C. You should work harder to win praise from others.

 D. Honesty is the best policy to solve problems in your life.

 Ⅳ 课文语言知识(共二节,满分10分)

 第一节 课文填空(每空0.5分,共5分)

 Cloning has two ____56___ uses. Firstly, gardeners use it ____57____ to produce ___58____ quantities of plants. Secondly, it is ____59____ for research on new plant species and for medical research on animals. Cloning plants is ____60____ while cloning animals is very _____61____. It is a difficult task to ____62____. Many _____63_____ clone mammals failed. But at last the determination and patience of the scientists ____64____ in 1996 with a breakthrough - the cloning of Dolly the sheep. The ___65____ works like this:

第二节. 完成句子(每题0.5分,共5分)


54. What’s the main purpose of the article?

 A. To encourage everyone to develop motivation for whatever they are doing.

 B. To inspire college students to set goals for their college life.

 C. To imply that the less motivated college students quit the college.

 D. To call on parents to give up their over-protection of their children.


53. According to the article the following factors can push people towards their goals EXCEPT __________?

 A. interest              B. the desire to learn    

 C. the knowledge of motivation     D. the sense of success

