0  406463  406471  406477  406481  406487  406489  406493  406499  406501  406507  406513  406517  406519  406523  406529  406531  406537  406541  406543  406547  406549  406553  406555  406557  406558  406559  406561  406562  406563  406565  406567  406571  406573  406577  406579  406583  406589  406591  406597  406601  406603  406607  406613  406619  406621  406627  406631  406633  406639  406643  406649  406657  447090 

35.I’m Mr. Brown from the police station. Could you tell me _______ the butcher found moving slowly across the square?

A. what was it that      B. what it was that     C. what was it which     D. what did


34. I _______ e-bike to work, but these days I prefer walking with the purpose of losing weight.

A. ride            B. have ridden         C. rode              D. am to ride


33. --- Look at the black clouds. It ______ soon.

--- Sure. If only we ______ out.

A. is raining; didn’t come                B. is to rain; won’t start

C. will rain; haven’t started             D. is going to rain; hadn’t come


32. ----Where did you first meet your wife?

---- It was on the farm _______ I now work.

A. that                B. where              C. which                  D. 不填


31. The success of this project ______ everyone making an effort.

A. relies on      B. cares for            C. reminds of               D. calls up


30. I’m afraid I won’t be available. I _______ a friend off at 1 o’clock this afternoon.

A. see                 B. am seeing          C. will see             D. will be seeing


29. With the development of science, more new technology _______ to the field of IT.

A. has introduced   B. is being introduced C. is introduced               D. was introduced


28._______ to the right, you will find the house you are looking for. You can not miss it.

A. You turn        B.Turn            C.To be turning        D.Turning


27. The lecturer _____with a few jokes and then supported his topic with many life-like stories.

A. kicked off        B. put off     C. kicked out                 D. put out


26. _______ David says sounds right to Helen. That’s why she has made up her mind to live with him _______ happens.

A. Whatever; whatever                         B. No matter what; whatever

C. No matter what; No matter what         D. Whatever; however

