0  406534  406542  406548  406552  406558  406560  406564  406570  406572  406578  406584  406588  406590  406594  406600  406602  406608  406612  406614  406618  406620  406624  406626  406628  406629  406630  406632  406633  406634  406636  406638  406642  406644  406648  406650  406654  406660  406662  406668  406672  406674  406678  406684  406690  406692  406698  406702  406704  406710  406714  406720  406728  447090 

24.A.single         B.simple          C.easy             D.similar


23.A.to            B.on             C.up              D.in


22.A.raise          B.remain          C.save             D.preserve


21.A.form          B.way            C.method          D.fashion


40. A. why          B. what             C. how          D. when

答案  21.A  22.A  23.C  24.B  25.C  26.D  27.B  28.A  29.C  30.B  31.D  32.C  33.D  34.C  35.D  36.A  37.C  38.B  39.A  40.D

Passage 3


Wise buying is a positive way in which you can make your money go further.The  21   you go about purchasing all item or a service can actually  22  you money or can add  23   the cost.

   Take the  24  example of a hairdryer.If you are buying a hairdryer, you might  25   you are making the  26  buy if you choose one  27   look you like and which is also the cheapest  28  price.But when you get it home you may find that it  29  twice as long  as a more expensive  30   to dry your hair.The cost of the electricity plus the cost of your time could well  31  your hairdryer the most expensive one of all.

   So what principles should you  32  when you go out shopping?

   If you  33  your home,your car or any valuable  34  in excellent condition,you’ll be saving money in the long  35  .Before you buy a new  36  ,talk to someone who owns one.If you can,use it or borrow it to check it suits your particular  37 

   Before you buy an expensive  38  ,or a service,do check the price and  39    is on offer.If possible,choose  40   three items or three estimates.


39. A. ourselves       B. heart             C. time          D. money


38. A. society        B. mind             C. life          D. world 


37. A. guessing       B. telling            C. pretending     D. promising


36. A. think          B. talk              C. learn         D. read


35. A. terrible        B. dangerous         C. serious        D. strange

